Why I am called Fake Internet News? And Why I joined the Information War

I created the Fake Internet News moniker when I began hearing people sarcastically say, "Of course it's true, it's on the internet.". But at the same time, these same people were lapping up television news like puppies around a bowl of milk. This sounded like a slogan to me. And it also seemed synthetic as if it was placed into the American consciousness by a force with an agenda. By that, I noticed that this slogan appeared in my local community during the run up to the presidential election. And, I feel it was placed into out lexicon to sway people away from asking hard questions that were about to come to light when Trump claimed the Bushes were responsible for 911.

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And clearly, I have a bone to pick with NASA. There is so much interesting stuff coming from the Mars Rovers they keep ignoring. And at some point, I realized they are not being objective with their analysis. They are clearly following a religious dogma that there is no life or have never been life there. And I think this also extends to how I feel about the egomania I see in a lot of scientists. And there seems to be a strong trend with clinical studies to support whatever position of whomever funds the damn study in the first place. And lets face it, it was compromised science that floated to the top concerning the 911 investigation.

And I feel aerial phenomenon and photographic anomalies are a good way to speak out against what I feel is skewed thinking. And by skewed, I mean people not being 100% honest and not looking at all the facts because they have an agenda to defend. So while I am lucky enough to have seen UFOs, I also do not take a lot of what mainstream UFO people have to say as cannon. And one of my hypotheses is that a lot of the sightings we are seeing could very well be a form of intelligent plasma on Earth we have yet to figure out. Hence, not extraterrestrial at all.

Also, there are people in the paranormal field that drive me up a wall. Corey Goode is a guy who has some wild claims that include meeting with tall blue bird people. I like to call them blue chicken people because that is just as ridiculous as his story. And, the sad thing is, that the supposed authoritative body concerning UFOs, MUFON, even invites this jackass to give speak at their events. And, I think the paranormal world is just as fucked as main stream science in that both vectors seems to have too many elements of religion in them to honestly constitute pure research. And we also have YouTube sites that create UFOs in After Effects and publish them as the real thing.

So I suppose my manifesto would be that I am enamored with the mysteries of our reality. And, while I am very enthusiastic about honest research into paranormal, I will bring down the hammer if I think someone is full of shit. And the other part is, joining the fight against main stream news and the mass mind control they engage in, (or at least attempt to engage in), on a daily basis. When you see how news is skewed toward an agenda and you know this is not what the reality of a situation is, then it's time to do something. Fake Internet News was born in rebellion against these agents of Big Brother.

Also, concerning the #informationwar, I first became exposed to the idea of information control back in the 80's when I was in the Marines. Also read a book back then called None Dare Call It Conspiracy and later Maverick Marine (biography of Smedley Butler). Smedley Butler wrote the speech War is a Racket after winning the medal of honor in the Marines twice. Also, bands like Devo and Talking Heads used their music to question what we were being told was factual reality.

So, the reason , I continue to analyze the Mars photos is because I feel that there is a valuable lesson to be learned if in fact I am interpreting the evidence correctly. The lesson is that there seems to be a lot of debris on Mars. And this indicates there was once had a civilization there and now it's in ruin. And when you consider the mad men that run our planet and squabble over resources when we have the ability to create a paradise for all, I feel this is the most important lesson to be learned. It's possible humans have destroyed our own civilization in the past as well. And investigating and understanding the past and how it relates to our future can help us reach our fullest potential as a species. And, to me, this is very important work.

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