Global Greenies want Madagascar to skip monkeys for bugs...That's right...NOT TO GROW

in #informationwar5 years ago

Just another exhibition of how out of touch the "Green New Deal" types at the United Nations (and their fellow travelers inside the U.S. Congress, and the parliaments and assemblies of most western industrialized nations) is this latest pronouncement from their ilk that the people of Madagascar need to stop eating lemurs, and shift back to eating insects.

(Courtesy of

You read that right. This is an actual proposal being forwarded by these Malthusian, anti-human nut jobs.

Check out this link:

Here is a key excerpt from the link above:

"..conservationists and researchers have 'spent the last few years developing a program to encourage the people of Madagascar to re-embrace bugs as a source of protein. That in turn could relieve pressure on endangered lemurs, which hunters target for bushmeat.' Thus, the simple message is: If the good folks of Madagascar can just suck it up and eat more bugs, like they used to before they went all lemur meat crazy, there will be a lot more of these animals jumping about in the trees overtop their heads.

(A lemur. Courtesy of

O.K., call me simple, but to my way of thinking the solution seems rather obvious: Instead of putting lemurs in the cooking pot, how about trying something different (and not endangered) like, say, cattle, pigs and chickens? Nope. Silly me. The Greens have what they believe is the perfect solution. Eat bugs."

As with the wonderful trolling of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (nicknamed here for the first time "The Green Queen") caught disembarking from her airplane from Philadelphia to New York (when a train is cheaper and less "carbon-impacting",) there is no word if the advocates of the new "buig policy" are going to be relegating themselves to that same diet. I kind of doubt

(Yum!!...courtesy of

The attack here, of course, is just another in a long line of green proposals that are really aimed at "saving the planet" by stopping people from eating meat. Check out this next excerpt, for example:

"This attack on red meat has gotten a bit crazy. Recently a member of the British Parliament actually wanted to tax red meat eaters to save the planet from climate change. When I heard about this British proposal being discussed, I thought it was just a bit over-the-top. But apparently it doesn’t go far enough. Now they want us … to eat bugs."

(Image courtesy of

LOL...AND as the old saying goes...when Britain sneezes, America always caches cold.

Be prepared to DEFEND at all costs your right to eat burgers and steaks folks, or YOU WILL LOSE IT.


ive also started posting articles and there is a few you might like
one from john whitehead that we both know and like and one where this poor guy gets tasered 11 times for a traffic violation and they taser him a few times in the testicles
aaaha gotta love their serve and protect lol

Be right over...

OAC the green queen is ten times crazier than bernie sanders
have a great day hopefully i dont get flagged cause he cant figure out what context im saying this and im not even referring to the jackass
have a great day gotta go do chores

When in doubt, certain people will always err on the side of stupid. You can count on that, my friend. Have a great and wolf-free day!

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