Corrupting Virtue: Normalizing Pedophilia & The Politics Of Ruth Bader Ginsburg

in #informationwar6 years ago

How can this Become this ?

They say that the eyes are the mirror to the soul and that the story of one's life is written on their face. How can someone so bright, with eyes full of promise and hope, turn into something soulless, eyes devoid of empathy or virtually any vestige of humanity? It comes from a life infused with hate and an unquenchable lust for power. I recently came across a document, a dossier if you will, written by the Eagle Forum and sent to the Senate Judiciary Committee just prior to Ruth Bader Ginsburg being confirmed as a Supreme Court Justice in 1993. Her entire career in law centers around radical feminism and a desire to inculcate into American society and politics the cancer of political correctness and her overwhelming desire to destroy America's families. The last 35 years have been very successful for Justice Ginsburg and her ilk, as I intend to show.

On June 30 of 2015 former Congressman Tom DeLay made public a secret memo from the Justice Department seeking to normalize several perversities...

The push toward transgenderism proves that they have been fairly successful... even in the realm of bestiality it seems. I came across this photo and partial newspaper article about Michelle Wolf, who you might remember from her unkind remarks about Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders at the National Press Banquet not long ago... I'll share it before going on to Justice Ginsburg's contribution.

Is it just me, or has this country really gone to the dogs??? Sorry, now to Ruth Bader Ginsburg's part in the attack on American values... 

 Ruth Bader Ginsburg's writings show her to be a radical, doctrinaire feminist, far out of the mainstream. She shares the chip-on-the-shoulder, radical feminist view that American women have endured centuries of oppression and mistreatment from men. That's why, in her legal writings, she self-identifies with feminist Sarah Grimke's statement, "All I ask of our brethren is that they take their feet off our necks," and with feminist Simone de Beauvoir's put-down of women as "the second sex." (De Beauvoir's most famous quote is, "Marriage is an obscene bourgeois institution.") 

Like most radical feminists, Justice Ginsburg's brand of feminism is closely aligned to that of NOW (National Organization of Women). Their feminism doesn't extend to married women, stay at home moms, or those not blessed with a college degree from a prestigious institution. Her's is an elitist feminism that only includes career women at the uppermost levels of the political and business worlds. For them, Ginsburg demands affirmative action and all of the benefits that go along with it.

  In a speech published by the Phi Beta Kappa Key Reporter in 1974, Ginsburg called for affirmative action hiring quotas for career women, using the police as an example in point. She said, "Affirmative action is called for in this situation." On the other hand, she considered it a setback for "women's rights" when the Supreme Court, in Kahn v. Shevin (1974), upheld a Florida property tax exemption for widows. Ginsburg disdains what she calls "traditional sex roles" and demands strict gender neutrality (except, of course, for quota hiring of career women). 

In  Frontiero v. Richardson,  a 1973 Supreme Court case, Ginsburg, a lawyer at the time, applauded Justice William Brennan's decision and his observation that;  "in practical effect, put women, not on a pedestal, but in a cage," and that "throughout much of the 19th century the position of women in our  society was, in many respects, comparable to that of blacks under the pre-Civil War slave codes." This argument might sway someone that wasn't alive before 1973, but to any reasonable person (feminists excepted of course) it is absolute rubbish.

The attack on moral standards by Ginsburg and her compatriots include lowering the age of consent to 12 years of age...   The age of consent for sexual acts must be lowered to 12 years old. "Eliminate the phrase 'carnal knowledge of any female, not his wife, who has not attained the age of 16 years' and substitute a federal, sex-neutral definition of the offense. . . A person is guilty of an offense if he engages in a sexual act with another person, . . . [and] the other person is, in fact, less than 12 years old."  In other words this includes homosexual sex with minors. But it doesn't stop there, Ginsburg wants laws on bigamy and prostitution scrapped as well.

  Bigamists must have special privileges that other felons don't have. "This section restricts certain rights, including the right to vote or hold office, of bigamists, persons *cohabiting with more than one woman,' and women cohabiting with a bigamist. Apart from the male/female differentials, the provision is of questionable constitutionality since it appears to encroach impermissibly upon private relationships."  Not only is bigamy permissible, she's calling for special considerations to be given them. This is a direct frontal assault on marriage and the family, as was the lowering of the age of consent in that it precludes a parent from protecting his/her child from sexual predators.

  Prostitution must be legalized: it is not sufficient to change the law to sex-neutral language. "Prostitution proscriptions are subject to several constitutional and policy objections. Prostitution, as a consensual act between adults, is arguably within the zone of privacy protected by recent constitutional decisions."  Retaining prostitution business as a crime in a criminal code is open to debate. Reliable studies indicate that prostitution is not a major factor in the spread of venereal disease, and that prostitution plays a small and declining role in organized crime operations."  In her treatment of prostitution there is not one argument either way about morality. Her only concerns are "privacy, venereal disease and organized crime."

The Mann Act has been in place for decades and prohibits older men taking young women across state lines "for immoral purposes." Ginsburg wants it repealed...

  The Mann Act must be repealed; women should not be protected from "bad" men. "The Mann Act . . . prohibits the transportation of women and girls for prostitution, debauchery, or any other immoral purpose. The act poses the invasion of privacy issue in an acute form. The Mann Act also is offensive because of the image of women it perpetuates. .. . It was meant to protect from  the villainous interstate and international traffic in women and girls,' *those women and girls who, if given a fair chance, would, in all human probability, have been good wives and mothers and useful citizens. . . . The act was meant to protect weak -women from bad men."  Contrary to Justice Ginsburg's observations, the Mann Act was meant to protect all women. What she is calling for is almost complete license for human traffickers. She wants to prevent women and girls from becoming "good wives and mothers and useful citizens," unless you are a part of the feminist elite.

Want to know where the push to allow girls into the Boy Scouts came from...

 The Boy Scouts, the Girl Scouts, and other Congressionally chartered youth organizations, must change their names and their purposes and become sex-integrated. "Six organizations, which restrict membership to one sex, furnish educational, financial, social and other assistance to their young members. These include the Boy Scouts, the Girl  Scouts, Future Farmers of America . . . , Boys' Clubs of America . . ., Big Brothers of America . . . , and the Naval Sea Cadets Corps. . . . The Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, while ostensibly providing *separate but equal' benefits to both sexes, perpetuate stereotyped sex roles to the extent that they carry out congressionally-mandated purposes. 36 U.S.C. §23 defines the purpose of the Boy Scouts as the promotion of '. . . the ability of boys to do things for themselves and others, to train them in scoutcraft, and to teach them patriotism, courage, self-reliance, and kindred virtues. . . .' The purpose of the Girl Scouts, on the other hand, is  x. . .to promote the qualities of truth, loyalty, helpfulness, friendliness, courtesy, purity, kindness, obedience, cheerfulness, thriftiness, and kindred virtues among girls, as a preparation for their responsibilities in the home and for service to the community. 

Ginsburg goes on to attack the nuclear family, completely diminishing the important role of the mother in the home. To Ginsburg and her kind, the only women with any qualities worth mentioning are professional women. She speaks about women's "hopes and aspirations" while completely ignoring that many women hope and aspire to be wives and mothers...

 The traditional family concept of husband as breadwinner and wife as homemaker must be eliminated. "Congress and the President should direct their attention to the concept that pervades the Code: that the adult world is (and should be) divided into two classes — independent men, whose primary responsibility is to win bread for a family, and dependent women, whose primary responsibility is to care for children and household. This concept must be eliminated from the code if it is to reflect the equality principle. It is a prime recommendation of this report that all legislation based on the breadwinning, husband-dependent, homemaking-wife pattern be recast using precise functional description in lieu of gross gender classification. A scheme built upon the breadwinning husband [and] dependent homemaking wife concept inevitably treats the woman's efforts or aspirations in the economic sector as less important than the man's." 

Ginsburg's writings show that she has no regard for equality, only in destroying the institution that made America what it is- the nuclear family. It's no wonder that her eyes show no empathy, or humanity- there isn't any there. I'll leave you with this final observation by the Eagle Forum...

 Finally, who but an embittered feminist could have said what Ruth Bader Ginsburg said when she stood beside President Clinton in the Rose Garden the day of her nomination for the Supreme Court: She wished that her mother had "lived in an age when daughters are. cherished as much as sons." Where in the world has Ginsburg been living? In China? In India? Her statement was an insult to all American parents who do, indeed, cherish their daughters as much as their sons.


The good news: Once she goes to hell, even Satan himself will lose his erection forever.

Unless Nancy Pelosi gets there first!

Ginsburg represents the epotomy of misguided entitlement, sexual perversion and hate for traditional values.

She is going to have a hell of a time when she meets her maker. Not envying her or her entourage of blinded, self righteus followers.

She even looks the part... That face would scare a freight train onto a dirt road!

I'm a mean guy- I want a front row seat when these people meet "The Big Chief!"

These nutcases have usurped feminism from a genuine struggle for better treatment of women to something resembling a terrorist movement, except the government seems to give their full support.

Women had basically won the battle then they went power mad (some of them). Now they've morphed into something no sane man would have anything to do with... and they blame men for that!

Is it just me, or has this country really gone to the dogs??? Sorry,

Yes, you need to be, sir!

Yeah except we both know I'm not!!!

you better not be...

This is all an attack on our culture and our moral values in America. They try to familiarize us with their agenda and work to condition the public into acceptance. Just because a few rats have been poisoned does not mean that the rest of the animals need to be. Thanks @richq11

Well put!!!

What this post really makes me wonder is where or what happened to Ms. Ginsburg during her youth? How does one become so black and white about the topic of elite feminism and the perversion of sexual attitudes? One does not just become indoctrinated with these ideas from reading about them, or even visiting other cultures. Which means IMO someone flipped her switch a long time ago and she came to believe her normal should be everyone’s norm. Her time as a judge was up before it ever began as she certainly has her own bias about what normal is.
Just an aside, do elite women really think their wealth and education is what empowers them? Perhaps they should consider the fight women working in factories and other male dominated fields during war times is what actually helped to break the mold when women decided to step up and fight for their countries. Great post.
Hope you are feeling better. Be well my friend @mother2chicks 🐓🐓

They don't care about women that work in factories... it's a dichotomy game. Their rhetoric includes ALL women- in practice and/or policy, it's only the elites. And yes, they thik that wealth and education empower them!

Dear @richq11, since you are supposed to be taking it a little bit easy. .... I thought a book recommendation might be in order. It speaks to all of the questions and facts that you pose in your posts. I read it sparingly, as It overwhelms me with the truths it delivers. My innocence was washed away some years ago, but even hardened and crusty old sinics can learn something new. It is called “Modern Esoteric” beyond our senses. The authors name is Brad Olsen. If not for him and some news I have collected in the past. All of this deep state cover up would seem unbelievable to me. My wish is that there was some way to convince the general public this is indeed a long term agenda. Perhaps you already possess this title in your collection? 🐓🐓

This guy is expensive... I just sent for a copy. I'm reading Confessions of an Illuminati, a 3 volume set by Leo Zagami. It's a scholarly work, devoid of conspiracy theories and ideology. I'm going to start a series of posts on it today or tomorrow (I'm not feeling so hot- but this is how I earn my living and bills need to be paid).

Hope you feel better and take it easy. You have a strong following that will no doubt take care of you no matter what kind of posts you write.
I borrowed my copy from the library. One of my favorite places to visit. ❤️🐓🐓

I have this thing about owning books... the more books the wealthier I feel. Speaking of which, I should be working on the sequel to my book. It's about 3/4 of the way done and I stopped writing on it!

Basically, Ginsberg is ok with women and children being sex slaves. What is her problem with families that used to protect women and children from this fate? I guess families get in the way of Ruth's plans for the slave-state.

it is great inforrmationwar
man it is the problem of people of world they cannot leave the sins and made theirselves Corrupting Virtue this is sad

am not a fan of radical feminism anytime and i will like to say nemesis isnt an illusion but a reality.

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