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RE: Are Drag Toddlers America's Version of Bacha Bazi?

in #informationwar6 years ago

It's funny right cause the majority of sexual abuse is committed by straight white men against their daughters, Christianity has a history of saying its ok to fuck your daughters if your a man.

So deal with the straight, child abusing, women raping, mother murdering white men first.

Then I might believe you have the fortitude behind your convictions, till then you are just a homosexual hating bigot, using some made up bullshit propaganda to veil your true hatred for the lgbt.

Stop making fake news so you can hate of a group and not feel like you are a bigot.

Cause until I see you going for hard targets that are actually guilty, you are just basic.


Why not both? Some people call out the hard targets, some the less hard. Not everyone can be interested in everything. You have risked sounding like some of the things mentioned in the post are not a problem, which I don't think is true of you.

On the one hand, the general premiss of the article is the social sexualization (or sexualized socialization) of minors is problematic, and here's some ways that it's happening. Faux sexuality by way of dancing, dress, etc. can easily exploitative, especially since it's for an adult audience. Those are the people in the seats for all the events.

However is this post dressed up "gays are perverting the kids" rhetoric? It seems that way. I followed @thoughts-in-time recently as I lean libertarian but the crudeness of this post is below what I consider interesting.

@personz thank you for your feedback.

I am addressing drag queen culture and how it is in appropriate for children. Dressing eight-year-old boys (or girls if you consider beauty pageants) in risque attire and cheering them on while they dance as if though they are strippers is just flat out wrong.

I respect the rights of adults to make their own sexual decisions as I too am a libertarian. However, adults should not be encouraging boys into this behavior any more than they should encourage girls to act like strippers. The goings on at some of these drag queen events are for mature audiences.

Do you have children @personz at what age would you dress them up in skimpy attire and have them dance like strippers for adults? In what world is this okay? Have I stepped into the twilight zone?

I am not anti-gay.
I am not anti-transgender.
I am not anti-drag queen.
I am anti-drag toddlers and you should be too.

To help you understand even further.
I am not anti-strip club. Yet if I seen
an eight year old at a strip club I'd go
up to the kids daddy and pimp slap
him into next week.

Of course I don't disagree with the protection of children. It's actually where I have trouble with radical libertarianism, social accountability in a world where some want their private property homestead to be their little kingdom.

Of course we agree on the basics. What you have presented are cases which are clearly wrong and I had intended to express agreement with that and your general point.

My deeper reading of your post and the way you say things is a lack of maturity in dealing with the topic and showing some prejudice towards drag queens and others. I presume this is what triggered @sapphic . I'll back this up with an example:

If transgender drag queens want even more normalization they should stop trying to encourage children to behave in perverted ways.

Sweeping statement which implies this is what all drag queens do. Do you understand how your loose use of language may paint you in a way you don't intend? Or it may show you to harbor prejudice. When people perceive sexual deviance they can often react with disgust, which is a very strong and motivating emotion, but it is an emotion.

You do you, I'm not the language police. I'm just stating something which is fairly obvious.

You make a fair point @personz. In fact, I appreciate that you brought that to my attention. I don't like to speak in sweeping generalizations. It can however be an easy trap to fall into. I will correct my mistake.

If transgender drag queens want even more normalization they should stop trying to encourage children to behave in perverted ways.

Drag Queens who encourage children to behave in perverted ways only cause harm to their push for normalization.

Thank you for your feedback @sapphic.

I don't hate gay people or drag queens just so long as they aren't corrupting children. I don't hate straight white men, just so long as they aren't doing those things that you mentioned.

I don't have any statistics handy, yet if you are going to compare two different groups with one another and one group is extraordinarily larger than the other, that should be taken into account.

It would be like if you compared gun crime statistics in a town of 5,000 people to the gun crime statistics of a city of 500,000. No doubt the city with the larger population would have more gun crime. That's where the phrase per capita usually comes into play if we are going to be honest with our statistics.

@sapphic do you believe that those little boys should be dressing like prostitutes, prancing around suggestively, and wearing makeup at the age of eight years old?

Is this behavior acceptable for a child? That's drag culture, it's not for kids. I also think that little "cis" girls shouldn't practice being strippers at the age of eight, 18 is okay, not eight.

Are Afghani men who bid on Bacha Bazi not a hard enough target for you? Are catholic priests not a hard enough target for you? Are people in special gender classes who would corrupt youth not a hard enough target for you?

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