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RE: Changing Reality... The Consequences of Fake Science

Many people - particularly those that believe themselves nominally educumacated in the above mentioned fields - just don't know that what is called 'science' today has the same relationship to the scientific method as does faith in elder gods. In other words, it not only isn't science, it's directly obfuscating actual science, and replacing it with complete bullshit.

Every such paper that is published by 'reputable' journals takes the place of actual research based on real facts that can be experimentally confirmed. It's not just not science, it's preventing science from happening. The politics of this transformation is indescribably harmful - and I believe it's deliberate, because science is potentiating technology that enables a dramatic transfer of wealth and power to individuals from rentiers. Rentiers don't want to lose their wealth and power advantage, not even if maintaining their relative advantage prevents improvements in their quality of life, as preventing scientific advance does.

The importance of decentralization across scientific endeavors is transcendental today. In every field the legacy of effecting advances that required capital intensive industrial production is being replaced by individually controlled production that does not permit rentiers to feed off production, because their capital isn't required to produce anymore.

I believe this sabotage is particularly evident in the last decade, as 3D printing, CRISPR, and cryptocurrencies, for example, have been born and began to disperse to the public. Decentralization is the direct replacement of rentier controlled profiteering economics, just as crap science is directly replacing actual science. The latter prevents the former, or at least delays it, extending the time rentiers maintain their economic distance from the public, if not preventing the public from attaining to greater relative economic power altogether.

There is an easy solution to this weapon: decentralization. Instead of feeding kids into the indoctrination centers that produce students of fakery like 'gender studies', homeschooling based on the three R's followed with STEM studies produces actual scientists that will advance real science in every field. Indeed, we see that more and more, people are doing exactly that. Homeschooling is growing practically exponentially.

We also see that ever more oppressive policies are being enacted to prevent homeschooling, and more than a few European countries don't allow it at all. I am aware of families that have had to FLEE their native lands to be free to teach their kids real curricula, rather than letting their little boys be taught they too can menstruate if they want to. Sweden is notorious for this problem, and it's spreading, and getting more extreme.

Thanks for bringing this issue up, as non-scientists unfamiliar with the mockery of science that is being used to prevent us from improving our civilization and delivering a better world to our posterity than we inherited from our forefathers would have no clue it was even happening, or how it was harming them, if people like you didn't take up the gauntlet and demand the truth.



Hi, Thanks for your comment, I can not play my own video on this platform and ability to upload seems to have been disabled. I am quite good with computer Hardware and code so its not incompetence on my part.
My Bitchute channel still seems to function ok.

On Jargon I think if one defines terms its OK the liguistic censorship and self sensoring political correctness of modern discource is part of a general dumbing down To With CHomsky and Gatto on this blog I did yesterday.

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