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RE: STRIKING AT THE ROOT, When You Don't Know What the Root Looks Like.

Fantastic food for thought.

While I am encouraged by the increased dialogue, it has been tampered with the notion that it is all lip service like thoughts and prayers.

I cannot see the sheep getting to the point of overthrowing the government or crypto surviving unscathed in the face of that happening. I am willing to take that first step, amass what I can, search for the opportunities, and abhorring credit cards and debt.

Death and taxes....

Posted using Partiko iOS


To answer this, it takes one Tesla to electrify the world.
After that, it just takes time.

Before that, it takes a bunch of people looking for a solution to a problem. Both the definition of the problem, and the diagnosis of the solutions are important.

A modern day example, that you can watch happening is

Taxation is theft

And, we will see several things forming around it

  • our taxes are not going for things we want. (no more war)
  • our money is not being well spent (10% actually gets to the destination)
  • what else have we been lied to about?

And so, almost all at once, Americans will stop paying federal taxes.

The operative thing is that the average person can't even understand the money flows. Not until much smarter people have analyzed all the pieces, and then distilled it down to much easier to understand analogies.

There are always the trail blazers.

Agreed! The trail blazers seem to be picking up company on the trail as we go along which is what I find encouraging. Analyzing and bringing the data to light is awesome and it is the time you mention that will hopefully speed up.

Posted using Partiko iOS

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