
She is too stupid to know that not agreeing with HER; is NOT an impeachable offence! Her cheering Minions are apparently just as stupid as she is, SMH!


It all stems from the I mean dem's not being able to accept election results. We have to vote big in November, I'm serious when I say they want to kill bible believing Christians and patriots.

November NEEDS to be the biggest smack down they have ever received! These CHILDREN, need to be replaced by true representatives in the ORIGINAL sense!

We need patriots that are serving temporarily, to help the Republic! People that do what is right, then go home.

The only way the dark side can win (just like in Star Wars) is to kill those that oppose them, and rule the remaining sheeple! They DO want us dead, and will stop at Nothing to finish us.


Very well said. If Hitlery would have been President we would already be dead she joked about putting people she disagreed with in camps (fema)

If she had stuffed the ballot boxes enough to claim a win, there would be blood in the streets by now. There would be open civil war right now, and many people would be dead.

Their naivety and ignorance will be their undoing. They think they can control the situation, and rule the what remains; but if they do manage to start this feces, they will not come out the other side.

They do not have the survival skills to pull that off.


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