Best Version of Yourself

in #inspiration6 years ago (edited)

Warren Buffett once said: “The more you learn the more you EARN.” This is so true.


Let’s look at successful people in the world like Bill Gates, Oprah, Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, Mark Cuban and other successful people in the world.

These people are successful because they utilized their time wisely.

These people are successful because they are always learning. They are dedicated to learning new things EVERY SINGLE TIME.

· Warren Buffett, one of the richest human in the world, is known for reading more than 6 hours every day.
· Bill Gate reads more than a book per week.
· Mark Cuban reads one book 3 hours a day
· Oprah is extremely obsessed with reading books.

The common thing above is that successful people never stop learning even when they are extremely successful in life. THEY KEEP LEARNING.


If you earn $86,400 per day and when the day is over, the money finishes. You cannot get it back. Would you try to spend all of the money before it finishes? Or would you try to invest part of it? The painful truth is that we only have 86400 seconds per day and MANY PEOPLE spend this time lavishly. MANY PEOPLE waste this time without thinking well. We can never get this time back that is why we must USE IT wisely! We must be PRODUCTIVE; we must use our time to do things that will benefit us. We must use it to INVEST in our life that will make us in the future instead of wasting our time on irrelevant things use it to LEARN new stuffs.

The time you spend arguing with friends, playing games will never come back.


Use your time wisely. Use it to do things that can contribute to your life positively.

Most people give up on their dreams because it gets too tough. A lot of pupils stop pursuing their dreams because they failed one exam.

The fact is that most students don’t even put in their BEST during examinations because in their mind they have already failed the exam. They STOP BELIEVING IN THEIR ABILITIES to get things done and pass well and once the BELIEF is killed the DREAM is killed. The MIND is a powerful tool that must be worked on.

If you have a dream, you must do your best to make it come through. It doesn’t matter how many times you fail in life. NEVER STOP BELIEVING IN YOURSELF.

Life itself is a test and the only way you can fail in life is if you stop TRYING. Push yourself to the top. The only way to get results you have never got before is to do things you have never done before.

When Bill Gate was asked which superpowers he would like to have, he said he wanted the ability to read books faster. This is to tell you that success is not all about the money, cars, houses etc. IT IS ABOUT BECOMING THE BEST VERSION OF YOU.

You will fail many times on your way to success but never give up. Never stop believing in yourself. Never stop trying harder.

You can never know how great you would be if you QUIT on your dreams.



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