Where Are All The Side Hustles At?

in #internet4 years ago

It's 2020 where are all the legitimate internet side hustles?

The other day I started researching work at home internet opportunities. I'm really surprised that in this day and age, there really aren't many legitimate offers.

I'm not looking for a way to get rich. I'm simply looking for a way to scrape up a little extra money in my free time. Something to do when the crypto market isn't favorable and I'm between clients with my web design business. Maybe earn enough to pay a bill or two without having to dip into my savings account or trading nut.

Surprisingly, there are plenty of offers out there, but I haven't found any that really seem worth doing and most seem like outright scams.

I started playing around with Amazon mTurk, and it's currently averaging out to around .50 cents an hour. Definitely not worth the time or energy. Honestly, it reminds me of an online sweatshop. Most of the other offers I've found are no better.

I think it's surprising that in this day and age there aren't more online opportunities. You would think companies would be lining up looking for employees to do basic data entry or online research and pay a reasonable wage.

I've got a couple side projects I'm looking to finish up, then I'm thinking about dipping my toes in the gig economy. Even companies like Fiverr seem like they're watered down with a million people all grasping at the same Fifty bucks.

I know we make our own opportunities but am I missing something? Besides Steemit and trading, what's your favorite internet side hustle? Have you found anything worthy of your time?


Steem and LBRY so far for me. I've been creating content playing games and talking shit. Nothing really to brag about in terms of returns, but I have to start somewhere. I'm also on the lookout for other opportunities.

I need to start looking into LBRY more. I've heard a lot of good things, and I've got a small bag, just never used the platform.

Definitely. It seems like it might be a winner. I synced my YouTube account and have earned just over 200 LBC in 2 months. Only $6 bucks @ .03 cents, but it's a start and LBRY is decentralized, no one can take down your content from what I understand.

That's interesting. I think I'm going to have to look into that now for another project I'm planning soon. Thanks!

What about reselling/arbitrage? Find stuff for cheap and then resell it online.
The other day I found a blue ray for $1 at the Dollar Store, and sold it on eBay for 18 bucks. Other good places to source stuff are estate sales, storage auctions, yard sales, and thrift stores.

I've been thinking about doing this over the summer. Selling online is always good for extra cash if you have a good eye! Good call.

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