Hai All Steemian Support and guide me, Let me introduce you my name is Cut Indyra

in #introduceyourself6 years ago (edited)

Haloo... All Friends... How do you do All of you On beautiful?
I am so happy to see you in this occasion. Well,On this occasion, allow me to make an introduction about who I am. My name is Cut Indyra @cutindyra
Haloo... Teman-teman Semua... Apa kabar Kalian Pada hari yang indah ini?
Saya sangat senang bertemu Anda dalam kesempatan kali ini. Nah, Pada kesempatan kali ini, izinkanlah saya untuk melakukan perkenalan tentang siapa diri saya. Nama saya Cut Indyra @cutindyra


You can call me Indy or Indyra.

kalian Bisa memanggil saya Indy or Indyra.

I am the second sonof three children. I was born in Aceh, 05 September 1993. Currently, my family and I live in Dusun Kuta Kareung number 03, Lhokseumawe City, Nanggroe Aceh Daruussalam

Saya merupakan anak Kedua dari tiga bersaudara. Saya lahir di Aceh, 05 September 1993. Saat ini, saya dan keluarga saya bertempat tinggal Dusun Kuta Kareung number 03, Lhokseumawe City, Nanggroe Aceh Daruussalam.


Speaking of hobby, I have a reading And writing hobby.I loved to write scientific work and now I have created 5 Writing scientific duty the end of college . Because of my love of reading And writing, I have a dream to make a book of scientic and will share to all people. Hopefully my dream can come true.

My education of the matter is i am hold a bachelor degree the science of of the national civil service the faculty of the social science of politics of universitas of malikussaleh Lhokseumawe.


know the steemit from My brother @tejacode my friend @starlost and he taught me how to make a post for the first time and he invites me to join the steemit community he says now @steem-ambassador to help newbies like me

This is my brother foto

For Friends of the World I Speak Thank You For The Help That Steemians Friends Have Been Giving For My Future Please Support And Guidance from Steemians Friends Please Follow, Resteem and Unvote Me In Steemit This.


Nice to have you here. Good luck!

Thank U @richard-921 Please help, guide & support me

Welcome to steemit @cutindyra upvote :D

wellcome dek, semoga sukses selalu😀😀

Iya bg rusli mohon bantuannya ya bg

Welcome to Steem @cutindyra.

Do read A thumb rule for steemit minnows - 50:100:200:25 for starter tips.

Spend time reading Steem Blue Paper to know how Steem blockchian works and if you still have any queries ask them on our Ask me anything about Steemit post and we will try to answer that.

All the Best!!!

Thank U @steemledder Please help, guide & support me

Welcome to steemit hope you're enjoying it here

Thank U @jordan1219444 Please help, guide & support me

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