Happy to be part of the steemit family (English/Spanish)

in #introduceyourself6 years ago

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Greetings to all members of Steemit, my name is Alexander, I'm from Venezuela, I'm 28 years old. I have two treasures that inspire every moment of my life and give me strength to give the best of me at all times a princess of nine years and a prince of seven.

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I am a student of Business Management in tourism, where I had the opportunity to meet David Casal @davecprince, whom I thank for making me know Steemit and invite me to register on the page.

I like to exercise, although I do not believe it weighs up to 100 kilos, I got into the fitness world certifying myself as an instructor in Combat Fitness, Aerobics, Functional, and dance. From small practice different sports, starting at 5 years in karate where you reach black belt first Dan, Tae-Kwondo where you get the second Dan, plus soccer, baseball and swimming as the main.

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I am a lover of animals, especially dogs, but I have had cats, hamsters, rabbits, parakeets, turtles and morrocoys, I love nature in general. I enjoy to share with friends, to dance, to laugh and above all to work hard every day.

I am a human being like any other, with good and more challenging moments, in search of a better future for my family, I hope to know more about this community and integrate myself in the best way.

A big hug to everyone.

Saludos a todos los integrantes de Steemit, me llamo Alexander, soy de Venezuela, tengo 28 años. Tengo dos tesoros que inspiran cada momento de mi vida y me dan fuerza para dar lo mejor de mí en todo momento una princesa de nueve años y un principito de siete.

Soy estudiante de Business Management in tourism, donde tuve la oportunidad de conocer a David Casal @davecprince, a quien agradezco por hacerme conocer Steemit e invitarme a registrarme en la página.

Me gusta hacer ejercicio, aunque no lo crean llegue a pesar hasta 100 kilos, me metí en el mundo fitness certificándome como instructor en Fitness de Combate, Aeróbica, Funcionales, y baile. Desde pequeño practique diferentes deportes, empezando a los 5 años en karate donde alcance cinturón negro primer Dan, Tae-Kwondo donde logre obtener el segundo Dan, además de futbol, baseball y natación como los principales.

Soy amante de los animales, en especial los perros, pero he tenido gatos, hamsters, conejos, pericos, tortugas y morrocoys, me encanta la naturaleza en general. Disfruto compartir con amigos, bailar, reír y sobre todo trabajar duro cada día.

Soy un ser humano como cualquiera, con momentos buenos y más retadores, en busca de un futuro mejor para mi familia, espero conocer más de esta comunidad e integrarme de la mejor manera.

Un fuerte abrazo a todos.


Welcome dear @oushan to this amazing world of opportunities. Creating quality contents is essential but making friends is more essential if you need to grow on this platform. Permit me to introduce myself, I’m Mide and I’m here to share some useful tips with you.

I’m not gonna waste your time as I’m going to explain a misunderstood term on this platform especially by minnows. The platform does reward quality content but not directly but people reward your content through the platform so this has brought us to talk about the importance of communication

Communication is a key factor when it comes to all types of relationship , be it interpersonal or inter communal relationship. Without communication then I wonder how two or more people could make plans either for self development or general development. Communication has presented itself as the only way to relate with others.

The key to success on this platform is communication through commenting , this is what you basically need as a starter, make friends , join communities as you’d get to find out different types of communities on this platform as you explore posts. Trying to add value to you by impacting this knowledge unto you. Take this from me and you shall be successful on this platform, welcome again

Thanks for taking the time to write me @olumideolowoyeye

Hello oushan! Welcome to Steemit! Hope you'll like the community here. As a start, here are 5 tips that we believe will be helpful to you:

  1. Keep your passwords safe: Unlike conventional sites, Steemit has 4 types of passwords. Each offers varying degrees of access to your account, so know where and when to use each of them. Also, make sure to keep them all safe and secure.
  2. Get Steem rewards: When writing a post, you'll have the option to choose how to receive your reward: "Default 50%/50%" or "Power Up 100%". As of this moment, choosing Default 50%/50% is the better option. But this can change over time. Check our post to know more.
  3. Upvote wisely: When upvoting, wait at least 30 minutes after the post is published to maximize your curation reward. Also, make sure not to upvote too much too fast so as not to drain your voting power.
  4. Know your Steem, Steem Dollars and Steem Power: Steem and Steem Dollars are the 2 main currencies here. Convert and power up more Steem into Steem Power so you can have higher values on your upvotes.
  5. Have Fun and Enjoy!

For a detailed writeup, check our post Getting Started: 5 Essential Tips for New Users.

Good luck on your Steem journey! Follow us if you like to receive more helpful tips and maximize your Steemit experience.

Really, thank you very much for the information, I will take into account each tip, I will review more in your profile.

Welcome to Steem Community @oushan! As a gentle reminder, please keep your master password safe. The best practise is to use your private posting key to login to Steemit when posting; and the private active key for wallet related transactions.

In the New Steemians project, we help new members of steem by education and resteeeming their articles. Get your articles resteemed too for maximum exposure. You can learn more about it here: https://steemit.com/introduceyourself/@gaman/new-steemians-project-launch

Welcome to steemit

Hello welcome to steemit
in short you can visit the site busy it's a platform related to steemit ca can help you write your post more easily https://busy.org/@cris02
if you have questions do not hesitate to ask me and you can find answers in https://steemit.com/faq.html

thanks for your support

Hi @oushan. Welcome to Steemit!!

welcome to steemit

¡Bienvenido a Steemit! Espero disfrutes de tu estadía a través de ella.

Un abrazo.

Gracias @fitnesswoman27, estoy emocionado, espero que así sea.

You are welcome to steem community

Thanks you!!!

Welcome to Steemit!! This is the link to my post. Upvote if you like it.


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