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RE: I'm one of 20,000+ libertarian/voluntaryist activists moving to New Hampshire to stop big government! I'm also the author of 3 cookbooks! Now, I’m learning how to write/talk more openly about my feelings & beliefs

I've not seen any nh polls with unique data. While many in the liberty community support gary johnson (of the ones who vote) there is certainly not a lot of enthusiasm for him.

A couple of years ago he came to porcfest and got some boos for being such a statist. For most of us, the boos are real but we understand he is the best we have at the federal level.

So he is welcome to visit any time and I hope he wins but my efforts are generally focused on state politics and stateless solutions to problems when possible.


Ah I see. I'll try to come to the next pork fest to visit.

There's definitely a big movement here starting up to push for NH independence. FSP founder Jason Sorens talks about it a lot in the video interview we just filmed with him. (He starts talking secession around the 22:08 mark and continues on until around 35:15.) Check out the Foundation for NH Independence and for more info too.

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