I'M BACK!!!!


I'm back everyone and ready to create some content. Have a bunch of plans and ideas just tumbling around in my mind that I want to start to put into action.

But first!!!!! Let me just tell you some of my ideas and brainstorm with the community a little bit and you all tell me your thoughts and ideas.


So right now I am working 2 freelancer jobs and I have picked up a passion for CS:GO
Eventually, I want to start streaming but due to bad ISP I can not stream at this time but I can record video of matches in CS and upload it via Dtube or just link the youtube vid. Your thoughts?

My second idea is to build up one of my friends that just created an account today, so he is just waiting on the verification process so he can start posting. I will tell you a little about him here tho so you have an idea of what he will bring to steemit.
He is are artist/technician/content-creator and what he does is amazing laser engravings. He has the talent and motivation to bring some great content to this platform and I hope all of you will give him a warm welcome into the community as soon as his account gets verified.

All these ides are for a goal, and my goal that I am setting for myself will be to create great content and entertainment while also building up my profolio so that I may upgrade my PC. I seriously need a new rig cause what I am currently working with is 10yr old parts that are still great just not great enough for what I need to do. My graphics card will barly record at 320 resolution so that should tell you what you need to know.

I am so glad to be back and I hope that we can make these things a reality, my dreams into reality and at the same time grow this great community even more!!!


OK continue and welcome back..

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