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RE: AI Squat Manifesto

That's an interesting project. Good luck with it! But please don't create a "Mike" (The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress By Robert A. Heinlein) or "ELOPe" ( Avogadro Corp: The Singularity Is Closer Than It Appears by David Ryan). Thank you !



Thanks for the support! Well, AI security is a topic for itself... You can't get around it. It's definitely necessary to take it into consideration. But I think it will take some time before we create something which would have the potential of harming anyone.

The research will be going step by step and each of them must be well documented and discussed..

I love technology..a lot! But damn ...AI scares me so much. I should probably stop reading all these books...

Scared? Just wait till you read some of Daniel Suarez

Scary one way: "Daemon" and "Freedom"
“Daemon does for surfing the Web what Jaws did for swimming in the ocean.” — Chicago Sun-Times

Scary in completly different way: "Kill Decision"

“Kill Decision is a fantastic techno-thriller. As someone who has designed combat robots, I found the technology depicted both accurate and chilling.” — Alexander Rose - Executive Director & Roboticist, The Long Now Foundation

Oh comment!

Being afraid of AI is like being afraid of aliens. More important is to figure out how to safely merge with AI through cyborgization so humans can explore space and survive contact with aliens.

I think we need to create a real intelligence. Something what even we as humans are currently lacking, because obviously we are exploiting our environment more than is healthy. We won't survive unless we upgrade ourselves..

"ELOPe" would be fine, i'm more worried about "Sister PA-60-41"

Why not create a "Mike"? Mike was Heinlein's "John Galt." (even said so in the book). ...Not so sure I'd want Suarez's DAEMON though. ;)

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