Hello Steemit! I'm Tara, a girl who likes to travel and get lost in the here and now.

"“Not all those who wander are lost.”
J.R.R. Tolkien

Not long ago, a friend asked me why I like travelling so much. To be honest, I don't have a real answer to that question. There is no real reason that I can put to words properly. I travel simply because I like to and because I feel a need to.

I guess I must have been bitten by the travel bug, because I am addicted to the feeling of exploring a new place and seeing, hearing and experiencing the things that I would never be able to otherwise.


I like to travel and record the precious moments I experience on my trips. Time has taught me that our memory is fallible, and what we think we now know about the past can be wrong because memory fades and we let our own biases creep in. So I try to capture as much as I can with the help of technology new (cameras!) and old (written word).


Ice on a Sunny Day

If we don't capture it, we might lose it to the passage of time. It's like snow on a sunny day, there for just a little while longer, and ever-changing if we don't pick it up and appreciate it then and now. It demands our full attention before it slips away into the void.

That is the principle I subscribe to in life and that I try to realise when I write posts for my blog.

I'm Tara and I'm a passionate traveller, committed blogger and amateur photographer. =)

Follow me on my travels to see the world through my eyes!


I like this post, very nice Tara :) ... I especially like the ice on a sunny day picture, clever ;)

:) its ok to be shy... I'm shy too! The good thing about this platform is it will help you express yourself... And you will meet new and fun people too :)

Let me know the next time you post (just stop by one of my current pages and say "hi")... I want to keep an eye on you because I think you can do really well!!! (and I like shy people) ;)

Omg? You shy?

There are closet extroverts as well as introverts that are not afraid to speak their mind, and both could be said to belong in the shy category of personality :)

Apparently even introverts have their meetups to become more extroverted in a safe environment :p

Welcome aboard @tarachan99. I’m part of the #newbieresteemday initiative with Dave. I just had to chime in when I saw his shy comment. You’ll realize soon that Dave is not shy! He is a great mentor and friend to have on here though. I saw he got to your newest post which looks great btw. 🙂

Hello welcome to steemit ☺️ it's really nice to have you here enjoy the platform and explore the community....it's a beautiful place

Hi @maryahoc! Thank you! I hope to learn more about the platform and explore it too!

Hi Tara, welcome to steemit. We have traveling in common as I do a lot also. I find the experiences gained through travel stay with me and compliment my life along with the interesting people, history and knowledge gained also. It’s a great educator I think.

Looking forward to seeing your travels, blogs and photos.

Hi @galenkp! I've just checked out your blog and you have a lot of cool posts! I'll definitely keep an eye out for more of your posts in the future. Keep travelling and learning!

Cheers, you too.

I like the Tolkien quote, and even though not all who wander are lost, I do find the best way to discover a new place is to get totally lost :)

I think you're completely right! I should make it a point to get get lost and wander without an aim in the places I visit.

Hellow & Welcome...Even Im a newbie here..

Hi @rzs. Just saw that you're an actual lawyer! That's so cool! Followed!

Yup..That I am..Thanks..

what a Beutiful pictures!

Thank you very much! I'll try to improve and put out more nice pics!

Hello, I'm Oatmeal Joey, and you are lovely and memory can be fallible more than we know and that is why we help each other out and write stuff down and make videos to help with that.

Exactly! That's why humans have a fascination with recording things down.

Welcome to Steemit platform @tarachan99 ! You & your intro is so cute hope to see more! Nice to meet you! Enjoy.

Welcome to steemit! Enjoy it :)

Thank you @katrinalebar! I see you're new as well! I've followed you and hope to see more posts from you =)

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