The Blockchain Era!

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Firstly a bit about me. I'm a Blockchain Fanatic. I firmly believe Blockchain Technology one of the most adhered technologies to have come out if this Century & will remain so once recognised for what it can truly do for Mankind.

Bitcoin was only the beginning & it’s most definitely a long way from the end. To get your Brain around what it means for Blockchain technologies. Lets take a dip into the world of blockchain & what the future means for the technology. Also will touch a little on cryptocurrency and focus in on blockchain applications that could indeed rework & "reinvent almost" how our personal data is stored i.e; medical records, immigration papers passports. Corruption free voting machines, use in video games, and an infinate amount of real use & realtime platforms.

One ingenious example of the Blockchain in practice is San Francisco's Civic crypto startup. teaming up with Anheuser-Busch InBev to create a smart beer vending machine that’s connected to the Civic blockchain.
Not the first vending machine to run on cryptocurrency but is certainly the most unique as this vending machine can quickly check blockchain-based records & verify the customer’s age.

On October 26th 2017a small U.K. tech company called On-Line PLC changed its name to On-Line Blockchain PLC. This time not even putting blockchain to any use.
A simple change in name. This had a massive, almost immediate impact. Within 24 hours, its share prices spiked by 394 percent. Within 48 hours, its value had increased more within that 48 hour timeframe than it had in all the past 2years put together.

On-Line PLC didn’t change anything whatsoever in its day to day practices. It merely added the buzzword “blockchain” to its name, and a surge of investors with an abundance of cash just seemed to appear from nowhere! overnight! Absolutely & without a doubt a true testament to the Blockchain hype that betrailed!

Alot has changed since then in an astonishingly short period of time. Blockchain technology! The genesis tech that makes Bitcoin work. Just as hyped Today as its ever been. You’ve probably read headlines online, in the newspapers or even on the news on television. Most of us now know someone who's into bitcoin. Most likely bored with their blockchain ramblings as they try to expain what its all about . All the while also trying to convince you that its worth a shot.


Data security is failing as we speak very day we read of data breaches on a vast scale! With Facebook of recent & Cambridge Analytics, there is for sure a need for a better system & the Blockchain creates that. A secure, unchangable public record that cannot be altered and its sitting right at the cusp of dramatically improving the world around us, from voting systems to rental contracts, immigration to global assets.

Media may lead you to dismiss it as a fad, but dont be fooled by the Hype. Blockchain has legitimate potential to change an already ever changing world. As the Harvard Business Review reads, “Blockchain is not a ‘disruptive’ technology, which can attack a traditional business model with a lower-cost solution and overtake incumbent firms quickly. Blockchain is a foundational technology. It has the potential to create new foundations for our economic and social systems.”

“It has the potential to create new foundations for our economic and social systems.”

Although its still early days for the technology. Media & society have likened the recent blockchain/bitcoin bubble to the dot-com bubble of the early 1990s indeed a fair comparison. That bubble did eventually burst, but instead of a crash it was more like a bing bang! The world wide web eventually rose from the ashes of the 1990s to became one of the most transformative technologies the world has ever known. BLOCKCHAIN! May just have that very same potential & it’s just in its dot-com phase at this very moment in time.

So therefore Blockchain technology overwelmingly trumps Bitcoin with its ability to perhaps reshape democracy, economics, advertising, and much much more. Blockchain’s impact on these age old databased applications could truly change how they function indefinitely!

Peace, love & the Blockchain life.


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Please also take a moment to read this post regarding bad behavior on Steemit.

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TRX 0.12
JST 0.032
BTC 63376.37
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USDT 1.00
SBD 3.82