Good way to use mobile.

in #irrelevant6 years ago

The phone puts the world at your fingertips, but at the same time can damage your neck.


In fact, health experts call the pain gained when an error interacts with the screen, called a text neck that causes a long problem for your entire spine.

Too often bending your head forward when you see the phone screen means burdening the neck muscles. Normally the neck supports 4.5 kilograms (kg) or 10 pounds of head weight.
However, the position of bending or bending the neck forward is equivalent to burdening the neck 27 kg or 60 pounds.

Here are tips for keep your body from phone sellular :

  • Find the best angle The best viewing angle when looking at the phone screen is a bit below the eye view.

So, remember to adjust the way you hold your phone. Also read: Mobile, Bacterial Nest Nest.


  • Break Continuous bending or looking at the screen can cause problems. Take frequent breaks and use time to stretch your neck, shoulders, and back.

Make adjustments Smartphones (smartohone) equipped with various ways to adjust its use.


  • Learn how to change settings for font size, contrast, and brightness levels to make it easier to see the screen. It helps reduce the tense eyes that can trigger headaches.

The way you hold the phone can make a difference. Alternative typing can be done with the index finger, not solely thumb to reduce the pain in the thumb due to repetitive motion.


  • You can also use the hands-free option where there is a speakerphone option or dictate a sentence. This can reduce the activity of fingers that too often touch the screen puncher.

Although the technology is getting better, but the health of our body is the most important, that's some way to prevent the danger of excessive use of mobile phone, greeting and thank you.


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Bagus long post on mobile, there's much to learn, makasi banyak, be teman jumpa Lagi ☺

Thank you @mizan570, senang sekali berjumpa dengan anda, kita akan terus bersahabat disini.😀

@mrday Thank you for not using bidbots on this post and also using the #nobidbot tag!

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