Bully-proofing by yourself・自分でできるイジメ対策

in #japanese6 years ago (edited)

Hi. Steemit friends. Have you ever been bullied? Probably, 50% people will say “YES”. Bullying remains in existence around the world. It is true that some people are bully magnets. Today, I’m thinking about abuse of authority, which is the most troublesome among bullying.

Definition of “abuse of authority”

  1. Physical attack : acts of violence, for example, striking, kicking. etc.
  2. Psychological battering : repeating unreasonable scolding. etc.
  3. To isolate : moving a person to another place. Not calling a person to a meeting. etc.
  4. Unreasonable demind : making a person do a work beyond one’s ability.
  5. Underestimated demind : making a person do a work different from one’s original work. etc.
  6. Invasion of one’s privacy : asking about one’s acquaintance persistently. Violent language against one’s partner or parents. etc.

Bully magnet.

There are 3 types for a person who draws abuse of authority. A person who lucks in communication skills, an exhibitionist and a quiet person. A person with low-communication-skills doesn’t come in contact with people around him or her, so, he or she seems out of place. Therefore, they think he or she will never consult with anybody, then, become a target of a boss easily. Self-assertive person also easily becomes a sandbag of a boss. Protesting, “I’m good at my work” “I’m different from others”, he or she supererogates to stand out in a bad way. As for Japanese people, modest personality has been made into a virtue, so people had better be careful especially in Japan. On the contrary, it is said that a person who is too modest tends to be bullied. So-called a Yes-man who is royal to orders becomes a target of a boss who likes bullying the weak.

Abuse of authority methods NO.1

It is important to insist strongly that a wrong thing is a wrong thing. For example, if you are told to do a work that should be done by a boss, you should answer, “this is your job. I cannot do it”. It is significant to show your characteristics that you can say “NO”.

Abuse of authority methods NO.2

Straighten your posture usually. People perceive the atmosphere of a person who has no confidence through a distortion of a body. I want to repeat it decisively. Having good posture is very important. Are you walking in the right posture? Are you traipsing around hunching over? If so, your weakness will be seen through right away. As is true of your facial expression. Let’s observe yourself in front of a mirror from today.

Abuse of authority methods NO.3

A person who delights in bullying attacks a bully magnet even on one’s break. The more painful you look, the more glad a bully is, looking at your reaction. On your strong area of specialty, if you were said “you don’t know that kind of thing even though you have a license, do you?”, what will you do? In that situation, you had better say “I don’t know it. Wow, you know a lot about it. Please tell me more.” You should say so with a bright smile. It is no good to look dejected. I think this technique is difficult if your characteristics is impressed among other people. From the beginning, you shouldn’t show your emotionless and quiet characteristics.

Abuse of authority methods NO.4

Some bosses are so terrible that any methods cannot work. Do you think your heart becomes strong if trained? It couldn’t be strong, I think. It is not so easy to change your inborn characteristics. I want you to think over the merit if you continue to work for the company, and deliberate if you like the job really. My friend decided to quit the company after she was harassed by a boss. She focused on the following. Even though the company was founded several decades ago, every boss of each department is 40s, there is nobody over 50. She heard an information that the company fires a person before he or she becomes 50. She is now working cheerfully for a different company that values employees, even though it’s a small company. I think it’s a good idea to quit a company that has lots of risk, thinking that working for such a company for a long time is waste of your lifetime.

Thank you very much for reading this blog thought to the end.

See you soon.

こんにちは! 職場などで虐められたことはありますか? おそらく50%以上の人がイエスと答えると思います。どこの世界にもイジメは存在します。虐められやすい人がいるというのも事実です。今日は、イジメの中でも最も厄介なパワハラについて考えてみたいと思います。


1、 身体的な攻撃:殴るなどの暴力行為。
2、 精神的な攻撃:理不尽な叱り方を繰り返す。
3、 孤立させる:1人だけ席を移す。会議などに呼ばない。
4、 過大な要求:実力以上の仕事を押し付ける。
5、 過小な要求:本来の業務とは異なる仕事をさせる。
6、 個の侵害:交際相手について執拗に問う。夫婦や親の対する暴言。






普段から背筋を伸ばして姿勢を正してください。自信のない雰囲気はわずかな姿勢のゆがみから人に察知されてしまうものです。何度でもハッキリ申します。姿勢は大切です。歩くときも姿勢を正して歩いていますか? 猫背でダラダラと歩いていませんか? 人は姿勢の悪さから弱さをすぐに見抜かれてしまいます。顔の表情もしかり。さあ、今日から、鏡の前で自分を観察してみましょう。

イジメが趣味の人は休憩時間でも攻撃してきます。つらそうな顔をすればするほど、その反応が面白いわけです。自分が得意とする分野で、「おまえ、資格を持ってるくせにそんなことも知らないの?」と言われたらどうしますか? そんなときは、「知らなかったわ、あなたはよく知ってますね。もっと教えてください」と、思いっきり明るい顔で言うのです。しょげたらダメなんです。この技は、キャラが確定してからでは難しいでしょう。最初から、無表情であまりしゃべらないキャラにならないことです。




See you soon.


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Nice flower. I like it.

Thank you very much💗



Those are some deep words. Thank you for bringing them up to life.

you are welcome, baby.

Well written :)

Thank you very much 💗🌹

Great post. I wish more people in Japan would stand up to bullying. I've heard it from students before and it pisses me off because there's nothing I can do about it except listen and maybe give some advice.

#2 Is interesting. Of course, changing your posture and body language can have an effect on other people. But did you know it can also change your own attitude? There are some interesting articles out there on this topic.

It's difficult to change one's attitude. what I wanted go say is that a bull-magnet must make the strong atmosphere, appealing that I can say what is wrong and what is right even though he or she cannot do so. I think the most important thing is that he or she must have one's beliefs. when I was at the post office in NY, someone said, "Don't cut in line." there are always lots of people there, everybody always waits for about one hour or so only to send a letter or a package. I was surprised to hear the middle-aged woman shouting "he was here. he did not cut in line. he went back from a bathroom." she seemed not to be related to him at all. If this situation happened in Japan, maybe, nobody would help him, and he might stand at the end of the line again.

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