@steemit-jp Contest コンテスト #5 - 日本で私の好きなドリンク My favourite drink in Japan

in #jp-drink6 years ago (edited)


Japanese has been translated into English.

This is very delicious and I like it. I am still at my desk.
It also serves as salt supplement in the summer, it also becomes a measure against heat stroke.

created by @wonsama / id [ 1531151460235 ] / MANUAL LINK

Yes! It is very suitable for summer!

English has been translated into Korean.

예! 여름에는 매우 적합합니다!
#wtransme (jp)

created by @wonsama / id [ 1531151536194 ] / MANUAL LINK

Yes! It is very suitable for summer!

English has been translated into Japanese.


created by @wonsama / id [ 1531151597077 ] / MANUAL LINK

你那里天气如何?什么?你还没参加 齐白石杯绘画大赛 吗?地球人都知道,对绘画感兴趣的朋友快快行动起来哟!奖金丰厚😊倘若你想让我隐形,请回复“取消”。

mmm..... sounds kinda weird...

Lol it’s actually very nice! Imagine lychee with a hint of salt. 😋



I love this drink too!

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