What are the best ways to increase creators connections on Kryptonia.io

in #kryptonia6 years ago

kryptonia in no doubt has given voice and attentions users in recent times. All thanks to one man (@sydesjokes) that has been on the front burner in waving the Kryptonia flag by creating awareness for all to join.

I am a product of his numerous kryptonia awareness campaign. I joined some couples of months back but, I haven't really being active on the platform for so many reasons. Though my intent for this post is not to lay complaints but to seek for help and advice from the administrators and active users of the platform.

My interest to resume using the platform picked up again when the price of SDB and STEEM started digging downwards with reduced interractions from among steemians.

And that is where Kryptonia comes in

Kryptonia gives you a voice and possibly increases the number of interractions you get on your post be it on steemit or on any other platform one seek to gain traffic.

This is simply achieved by creating TASK for others to complete with a reward of an SUP coins for the task completed.

Above is a task list from my task board

As you could see, each task carries different rewards based on a number of factors as determned fit by the task creator.... And there lies my greatest disappointment and discouragement in recent times.
..............The condition of Creators Connections.

Please, do not get me wrong, for I am not against this. As a matter of fact it is a good task control measure if deployed well.

All I am asking is that the the administrators in addition to creating awareness for the platform should also intensify efforts on how to increase "creator connections" among its users.


I remain committed to your rising


I am so happy about this change. It saves one the undue stress of clicking task tat one isn't eligible for.

If the Task creator sets it to Connections Only the task is only visible to creators connections now.

That is good. Meaning that if i see a task has has creator connection as a requirement, I should go ahead and do it provided that task is visible on my task page.

Personally I request people to follow for connection through tasks @hillaryoki then make contact with some from each post, including following them in Steemit, Twitter or Facebook platforms.

Resteem I very seldom request since it may not be the topic a member is involved in, you don't want thousands of this cluttering up your timeline when not related at all. (Makes your marketing effort look immature).

Of recent I have used requirement - Reputation above 85, since some are not doing tasks honestly.

With many new arrivals, I don't like to Revoke people who did not do tasks honestly, however where people misbehave in a fashion as a repeat offender you do have to start using the revoke feature offered and not pay them.

By revoking repeat offenders, their reputation goes down and soon they fall below the 85 threshold (setup as a task requirement), making it extremely difficult to continue doing tasks.

I really appreciate the time taken to reply to my post.

Based on the task details and requirements, I am not against it but I feel some users abuse the revoke option. I have been a victim of a revoke task in the past. Funny enough, I don't even kknow what my offence is till date. it really killed my moral at first but i just had to let go and be very careful of the task I partake in.

The greatest of task restriction is the Creator Connections Believe me, if not for Kryptonia, I may not have know some of the steemians I now know in the course of doing their tasks. Bring a clause of "creator connection" is off the hook for me. It kills moral when you see high reward task that you are authomatically disenfranchised from participating based on the condition of "creator connections"
I want advice on how we can increase creators connection on kryptonia so that it won't be the major draw backk formk doing task. If I am disenfranchised from doing a task based on my reputation score, I means I should work harder. But if disenfranchised based on "creators connection" that i dont totally have control of.... what do I do? How do we help increase the connection between kkryptonia users?

People should not see Tasks they are not able to complete so in future these will be filtered out so you only see tasks your are actually able to complete. This will reduce the clutter on the Task page and save time by not having to open a Task and only then see you cannot complete.

There will be options to filter Tasks so if you are only interested in certain social tasks like Facebook or Steemit this will be display. This will give more control the Tasks they see and want to complete.

This would be great @sydesjoke.

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