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RE: Thoughts on the history and creation of Longwood Gardens

You do have an eye for good photography!
So much of these gardens were developed during a time when very wealthy people were willing to spend a lot of money on things like gardens or libraries for the public. You don't see that anymore. I'm always surprised when I see some rich person contribute to the preservation of something these days, instead of just using their money to get even richer.
As to your pondering about the government, yes, the government is basically a large corporation, it takes, but seldom gives, and it uses what it takes from the public to fund the things it thinks are important, allocating only the minimum necessary to the rest of it's obligations.


yes agree. at least the rich felt obligated to give back to the community in those days. its a lost virtue. and truthfully they didnt know about some of the harm chemicals can do envirommentally. i just find it ironic that the family left france to escape war and persecution, yet made their fortune off of the profits of war.

the other thing that bothers me is that we talk so much in discord about what is wrong with the media and the goverment and the economy, yet fail to understand how we perpetuate the same attitudes with our overemphasis on making money and getting power, and ignoring people who are the helpers and cleaners and caretakers, as if their work had no purpose. we are mimicing the same society we already have.

Yes, we seem to carry our old society habits with us onto steemit.
Money is just so deeply ingrained in us because of the culture of scarcity and the need for it to just survive, much less anything further.

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