Wherever We Go, There We Are


People used to say this to us all the time when we were in our early twenties and we were always wanting to move. We especially wanted to leave the country and then everything would be completely different. ✨ We hated it when people said this. It's not true! Where you are changes you.

(This is the collective "us" I'm going into now.)
It does. But we also bring our bullshit. In order for change to come in our lives, we have to become that thing. As Eckhart Tolle says, we'll bring the drama and the story of our mind/ego everywhere. His example: a man works all his life so that he can retire on a beautiful tropical island. He finally gets there. He has the beautiful house right on the water. It's so relaxing. He has made it. Finally. The story is complete..... But soon.... it's too relaxing. He's bored now. The story must go on. In order for the story to go on, there must be problems to solve and drama and an end goal. The story can't be complete and be over! It just never is.

So, we get there. We match the vibration of "the thing." The thing manifests. And it's shocking every time to find out that your same old shit is still there. It's alive and well down there, and it wants to create the same story. The story must go on!

Well....what to do? If we don't keep vibrating at the frequency that got us there in the first place which involved a leap of some kind, then won't we go back if we vibrate at our bullshit?

But I think the bullshit's just gonna keep knocking.

We can't be scared of it and run away from it. That's giving it too much power. It's just a story. We're not the story. We're not the story of what we've just manifested, and we're not the story of our bullshit.

The bullshit is ok.

But that doesn't mean we should succumb to it.

The answer is to raise our energy state.

Our energy state:

  • Energy Poor - Only enough energy to survive. Not enough energy to work or create. The body breaks down. You're taking energy from the field to be able to survive, and the brain produces chemicals to "punish" you for doing this. Depression/Despair
  • Energy Neutral - Now there's enough energy to move things around in the physical world and work and create.
  • Energy Rich - You're in Alignment. You're powerful. You're able to work with the energy behind the physical things. Thriving.
  • Super Energy Rich - The brain is shooting off hallucinogens and opiates. Non-ordinary states of consciousness, union with source.

We're not the originators of our thoughts; we attract our thoughts. We also feel emotions based on our energy state. Our emotions are a guidance system to let us know something's off and to pay attention. When we're energy poor, we attract thoughts about things being shitty and out of our control, and we feel despair. On the other hand, when we're in energy rich thoughts of despair are nowhere to be found. We can't even connect to them if we tried.

Everyone is different, and everyone has different ways of connecting to, holding, and channeling more energy. You start to know yourself more and become conscious of what works for you and you create your own methods as you go. Inspiration is a high energy state, and for me it's being in nature; a really good meditation; physically getting the energy movin' and groovin' in my body. Others lead by emotion or thought.

For me, I have to do things throughout the day that keep energy rich up. As much as being creative gives me life, I have to get outside and meditate and do other things throughout my day, or my energy will drain and I'll be in despair. Being inspired is quite easy once you know yourself and know your tools. I've found that my action has to stem from the things that inspire me. Being in nature, meditating, sunshine, talking to interesting people - these need to be my first priority in life in order for me to be whole, effective, energy rich, on fire.

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Dam ! Soon im getting new second hand phone and I can have the esteem app once again to get notifications on mentions! I think maybe it will help me stay in contact on here with cool people much more!

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