The One Indispensable Skill For Your Success

in #learnability5 years ago (edited)

There are many skills that you need for success. You need to be disciplined. You need to be of use to others. You need to have something people want and are willing to pay for it.

However this is one other skill that I walk about in this video that is indispensable (that's a strong word). I got this idea from an article in a great online blog called Ladders. It was written by Thomas Oppong and he did a great job with it.

In this video I also share with you some resources that I have found to be exceptionally helpful. Here are some of the recent books I've read that have helped and are helping me now. Enjoy and check them out.

To help you get even more from this, here's the transcript of the video. Ok, it's not perfect, but it is good enough. Please let me know what you think! - Terry

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What is the one skill that's most important for your career success now and into the future.

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Ty, I'm Terry Brock it, I was reading an article about that. Just the other day and I want to share it with you here my tribe and people that are watching this because you

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Are out there as an entrepreneur, whether you're working for someone else or on your own, really, we're all kind of entrepreneurial minded today, those that are successful and get ahead you realize it's up to you.

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To design your career to make it work. No one is going to do it for you. And there's one skill that is most important.

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Out of all the skills that you can acquire, I thought, Whoa, what's that, well, I learned about this in an article. Matter of fact, let me share my screen with you here using

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Zoom here so I can do them to share my screen with you and you can see one of the things that is there. It's a single most important skill of the 21st century.

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That will take your career to the next level. So I'm thinking, hey, what is that this is on ladders, by the way, I'll add ers.

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I found, they've got a lot of exceptionally good articles there and this one here by Thomas old Pong. I hope I'm pronouncing that correctly. Thomas. Oh, Pong.

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That was really good. He said, You may not realize it, but your skills, knowledge and competency both past and present.

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Are either helping you advance your career or hindering your progress in life. And here it is. This is really important. Learn ability

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The desire and capability to develop in demand skills. This is really important. I'm going to highlight that one right there like that in demand skills.

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You don't just want to have something that you go, I'm really passionate about this and it's really good and I want to share it with the world.

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That's wonderful. That's good. But it doesn't pay the bills.

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And you've got to find what's going to pay the bills in demand skills that is critical. And he goes on and talks about some really important things. Embrace your career learning

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Short and long term goals. I'd highly recommend looking this look it up here.

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You know about the future of work and then just look up Thomas old pp O N G Thomas. I don't know you. But if you watch this sometimes someday. Thank you very much for doing that.

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Because it's real important. And you know those skills are important because we have got to have

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A thirsty mind. I love the way Winston Mark says I marketing guru over Australia says you want to have a mind like an information vacuum cleaner.

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That you're just sucking up information all over. But I would say also very useful information.

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You want it to be really targeted here's some tools that have helped me

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That might help you as well. I want to use some assistance on this. Let me know what you think about this, leave a comment below and please share this with others, or you do it one of the keys that we can do today, better than ever before.

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Is to really listen to some good podcasts and I'm going to let you determine what is good. Here's the air quotes around good

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Good podcasts can help feed your mind. I love the way that Ziegler said it. He said, when you're sitting

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Listen, or so. So when you're sitting read and when you're moving, listen.

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And so as you're moving around as you're in the car, or maybe you're exercising or maybe you're getting chores done. I like to do when I'm cleaning up around the place or just walking around or doing dishes, things like that.

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Think about ways that you could learn increase your mind. I love using, where is it here in my little iPhone. Here I've got my iPhone. And I like to listen to really smart people.

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That are on podcasts of my choosing the challenges are so many of them today. We don't have time problem, but that is no excuse to not listen to. I want you to listen to podcasts. And next to that also

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Watch the videos on YouTube. There are some incredible learning videos out there on YouTube that are just magnificent people that I love following like Gary Vee Gary van der Chuck, I LOVE PATRICK bet, David. David lock L. Okay.

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James altitude has got a great podcast. I think there's a little bit on video as well. And Joe, Joe Rogan great podcast great ideas Jocko willing. These are some of the people that I've just a few that I find really really good.

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Murray folio really good Mari Smith excellent people. So there's so much out there.

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You owe it to yourself to devote the time to do that. I mean, what do you watching sitcoms for it other stuff that really isn't going to help you get ahead devote to that. And here's one of my secret weapons. Can I share this with you.

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Don't tell any of the grown ups. Okay, it's just between you and me. I like to watch a lot of read a lot of books, remember those old things people say they don't like I'm

00:04:09.960 --> 00:04:18.900
Not doing this. I don't have time to read books. Good. If you're my competitor don't read books at all. If you're my competitor don't read books because they're just a waste of your time.

00:04:19.410 --> 00:04:27.030
Yeah, yeah, that's it. But, for me and for those of you that are out there want to get ahead do that, let me show you what I mean. I'm gonna share my screen again here with you.

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A little bit, look at that and come over here to this. Here are some of the books that I'm reading only make this a little bit smaller there. And you can see these books are some that are on my Kindle.

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I love these books, they are giving me the ability to learn about a variety of different topics. I just finished reading today I was reading a special operation. Let me come in here on this.

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Special Operations in the American Revolution, and this one is one that was just incredibly good. Let me come back here to the cover on this one.

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Go to the cover let you see it great here. Special Operations of the American Revolution, and this is by Robert Elton Cedric

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Cedric, Robert, if you're watching this, please.

00:05:05.040 --> 00:05:12.630
Forgive me for my spelling mispronouncing your day but great ideas there on what they did and how they overcame challenges. It's kind of like when you read

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You can go back to be with people that are there there. Here's another excellent book I just read the other day. Dan Pink Daniel Pink to sell is human.

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Ways to get out there and to do that. Here's another one. Boost your brain boosting your brain on what to eat, how to exercise, what to do from a really, really smart Dr gene for Hootie

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His MD and a PhD, but the whole thing is I want you

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To get to know books you see books give you the ability to do a lot more than you could otherwise because you're able to tap into the minds of geniuses and people that are out there that have taken time to really develop something good.

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Another way you're going to learn and expand is with meetings. Nothing can take the place of getting together with human beings. I love meetings like zoom

00:05:58.380 --> 00:06:02.010
Doing it with zoom and Skype, those kind of things are really good, but

00:06:02.640 --> 00:06:13.200
Nothing takes the place of shaking hands with somebody seeing them being in a conference where really smart people get together on a focus topic, a member, as many of you are the national speakers Association.

00:06:13.650 --> 00:06:23.880
Where the NSA that does the talking, not the listening. Okay. The other NSA, they do the list. They were doing the Dogon but getting together with my fellow speakers and communicators.

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We talked about many different topics. And I learned that way. And then when you're with someone. Here's a final tip I want to give you

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Really important. I wish I would have said this first. But I think was Aristotle who stole it from me a few thousand years ago when he said you have two ears.

00:06:40.230 --> 00:06:48.030
Two eyes and one mouth, and that's the percentage you should use them too many people I see get around somebody who is really smart.

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And all they want to do is try to impress them by talk talk talk talk talk all the time. They just talk and there I feel like saying

00:06:54.540 --> 00:07:01.680
Shut up, what freakin are you doing talk it like that with somebody is there, you should be asking questions.

00:07:01.890 --> 00:07:11.010
When you're around someone who is really good. They've got some expertise that you don't have learned from them. Don't try to impress them with how cool you are are talking about what you did, frankly,

00:07:11.340 --> 00:07:17.970
Probably don't care. They'll pay attention for a while because most people are generous and nice, but use that as a time to learn

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Pay attention to what they're saying. Use the two years two eyes in the proportion, you have one mouth. So it could be two to one. I'm going to use it as for to what

00:07:28.800 --> 00:07:36.270
I think that's a good thing to do, ask a lot more questions, so keep learning make learn ability. Your goal is something that you do.

00:07:36.600 --> 00:07:40.290
Let me know what you think. I really look forward to hearing from you and they said, please.

00:07:40.530 --> 00:07:50.250
Share this those of you that are over on steam it A, we can use some votes. We always appreciate those up votes and appreciate you doing that and share this follow us here. If you're getting this on YouTube.

00:07:50.550 --> 00:07:53.760
Please subscribe. That way you'll get a steady stream of these kind of

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Tools coming your way to give you an advantage for the future and sharing it with others will let them know that you care about them, giving them some good information.

00:08:03.540 --> 00:08:13.890
Let me know what you think I'm Terry Brock and you can reach me Terry at Terry Brock com. Oh, and by the way, if you're getting this on audio that's te R y and Brock is spelled

00:08:14.580 --> 00:08:23.130
The right way be zero ck. So Terry. Terry Brock com thank you so much for joining me. Great to have you with me and I look forward to hearing from you.









Please share this concept with others so they can benefit from it as well. This is a skill that is vital and it is most important that young people learn about this to face a wild and wacky future ahead.

Thank you very much for visiting. I look forward to your subscription and hearing from you in the future.

Terry L. Brock, MBA, CSP, CPAE
Member, Professional Speaker Hall of Fame

Certified Speaking Professional2018
Recipient of the National Speakers Association's Highest Award, The Cavett

Master of Ceremonies
Professional Video Coach

Syndicated Columnist with Business Journals (43 papers across USA, 11 million monthly page views)

See some wonderful (!) videos on my YouTube Channel!

My TEDxBocaRaton presentation.

Former Editor-in-Chief for AT&T's Networking Exchange Blog
Former Chief Enterprise Blogger for Skype, [email protected]
@TerryBrock - Twitter
@terrybrock - Steemit


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As far as Im concerned, my mind is a tool chest I grab tools from. Books and other sources of knowledge hone those tools into more useful instruments. Anything that improves my understanding improves my outcomes and you certainly make good points Terry.

Thank you!

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