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RE: How a minnow can become a dolphin for a week by leasing steem power - How to lease steem power

in #leasing6 years ago

As you said, your sp defined your value on steemit, so the more your sp increases the more you become valuable


It’s like advertising. Leasing SP may not be profitable for the period you do it, but you may win followers when you vote them with a clever comment. If those followers also have SP and it is growing, then they may vote for your blogs for years to come. It’s hard to calculate the value of that.

Unfortunately a whale is unlikely to be impressed by the size of your vote, so don’t waste it on them.

You now have high SP so hopefully some people will follow you to see what you write.

By the way, thanks for the large upvote @soufiani. You were the seventh largest vote on this blog!

To get the most traction with your comments I recommend you comment early on fairly new articles so that people who come later will see what you wrote, and maybe impressed.

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