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RE: My Ex is Trying to Prevent Me from Seeing My Son...

in #life5 years ago

Bro I am powerless. If I go to her place and try to get my son, she will call the cops on me. If you had a son you would know how that feels. I have literally no options, I can't do shit. You are telling me to just sit around and wait for her to change and she is not the kind of person to just change. She is the type of person to do drastic things like this.

You are saying I should set boundaries for our interactions... She has me BLOCKED. I don't think you are understanding how powerless I am to her right now. She is the only one that can change this, and she is showing no signs of even thinking about it.

Please text her man, there is nothing I can do about her actions other than sit and wait for me to be able to see my son which is the worst feeling in the world.


Well I can only give so much advice you seem apt not to take. You aren't powerless. You have the power to be polite, be respectful, be thankful, be grateful, be sorry, be apologetic, be helpful, be considerate, and so much more. You choose to not or to do. That's your choice man. Flowers + a sincere apology note would of worked 100X better than this post.

Here is some real talk >> Mano y Mano. You need to not be mean to the mother of your child. Respect. Remember she did spend 9 months literally with your child inside her belly! That's the mother of your child bro. You don't talk about your kid's mom in a bad way. Ever. Period. And if someone else does>>> you should go whoop their ass bc THAT'S YOUR KID'S MOM! Something a wise man taught me, who was divorced and hated his ex but still showed respect for his kid's momma.

Now, you should therefore delete this post. Quit crying about being powerless and do something about it. Which I recommend doing something is find your patience and ask for forgiveness in a week. Seems you been bugging bro, so who knows what damage you've already done. Chill for now. Be grateful your kid is safe, healthy and close by relatively. Rest assured you'll see em again soon. Just chill till then and for real try to deploy some empathy!

Posted using Partiko Android

Dude she was threatening to call the police on me if I even called her again. You would get somebody flowers after they threaten you like that? I can't ask her anything, the communication has been totally cut off by her... Do you get that? I have NO options except to just chill like you said. You can't delete posts after they are a few minutes old and even if I edit this, the original copy will still be on the blockchain for people to see.

Always easier to give advice than take it, emotions are a hell of a drug. I'm the worst with em ha neither here nor there tho

Better get a nice bouquet of flowers in that case ++ mad, super duper, extra sincere apology == minor chance of success you can be civil exes together and good parents. If it fails, Repeat it enough and it's goodie. Has to be based in empathy tho or you'll just lose. Good luck sir 👍

Posted using Partiko Android

I deleted the content of the post out of peer pressure. I can’t even afford to get her flowers, I have hardly enough money to afford my own food and gas. Not that she deserves flowers.

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