Battery powered drill helps work today

in #life6 years ago


Hi steemian ...
Still busy, today.
Working without tools, anyone cannot complete the task correctly.
This time I got a new tool, which is a battery-powered drill with capacity
12 volts. a little help, and not too difficult to use when in the field.

Hai steemians...
Masih dengan kesibukan, di hari ini.
Bekerja tanpa alat siapa pun orang nya tidak dapat menyelesaikan tugas dengan baik.
Kali ini saya mendapatkan alat baru, yaitu bor bertenaga Baterai dengan kapasitas
12 volt. sedikit membantu, dan tidak terlalu sulit untuk menggunakan saat berada di lapangan.



The function of the tool varies, as well as its use. Employment In the field of construction, there are many things we can know, ranging from work methods to implementation in the task ...
It's a small routine today.
Have a good activity.

Fungsi dari sebuah alat memang bervariasi, begitu juga ke gunaannya. Bekerja Di bidang konstruksi, banyak hal yang dapat kita ketahui, dari metode kerja hingga pelaksanaan dalam tugas...
Itulah sedikit rutinitas di hari ini.
Selamat beraktivitas.


Sekilas bentuknya seperti hair dryer ya 😁

Nice post @amuchtar ,i have decided to buy one electrical drilling machine for my father when i go to my hometown.But now i think i can buy battery powered drilling machine for my dad.What is your opinion about this machine?

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