Hearing how the spirit world communicates is an eye opener.......mind blowing really! Believing is up to you...

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Agreeing to a Spirit Guide Reading from a psychic healer is another stage in my journey of searching for knowledge of the spirit world, the complete unknown that can be seen by clairvoyants. This has intrigued me. Hence why I find myself sitting in front of different clairvoyants now and then. They have highly developed sixth sense and see what I can only sense.

It is a journey of searching that I am doing with a mixture of enthusiasm, acceptance and discernment. I am not silly enough to believe that every clairvoyant, psychic and medium is fair dinkum. Whatever I hear must resonate within me. I do not believe everything I am told.

Everything at the right time with the right person is my catchphrase that has been proven over and over again.I find that when I am ready for the next step, an opportunity presents itself. All I have to do is to choose to walk through the door.

Hence why I found myself in front of Simone learning about the names and roles of spirit guides. Despite a universal understanding that there are spirits guiding human souls on Earth, there are different beliefs regarding the name and number of spirit guides around each person at the one time. Given our state of general ignorance, we all have the freedom to choose, It must feel right.

I was intrigued and so that equates to learning more!

According to Simone we can each have up to 7 spirit guides, they are as follows:-

  • Gatekeeper is in charge of opening your Soul-level memory files at the appropriate times. He is in charge of the collection of your experiences and knowledge over lifetimes, and on presenting you with the path appropriate with your purpose for this current lifetime.
  • Timing Guide works closely with the gatekeeper and is in charge of creating the timing of the most appropriate experiences for you.

  • Chief Guide coordinates your inner and outer Circles, as well as our spiritual masters, teachers and "special assignment" guides. He is the manager in charge, so to speak, in collaboration with your "Higher Self."

  • Karmic Technician is responsible for helping you resolve unfinished business and completing karma accumulated in past and present lifetimes.

  • Creative Guidefacilitates talents and connects you to beauty and aesthetics. The area of speciality of this guide can give us clues as to your creative talent.

  • Astral Guideaccompanies and guides you during your astral (sleep) time and helps you travel safely.

  • Guardianis your bodyguard, and is best left alone! Not to be distracted unless important.

I also learned from Simone that each spirit guide communicates through the presence of butterflies, dragonflies black birds, silver coins, ringing in the ears, lady beetles and so on.

How many spirit guides one has is dependent on one's developing spiritual awareness. I hear from differing information through other sources that spirit guides come and go, they do not always stay with you for one's entire life. Interesting!

I plan to continue to keep seeking knowledge and keep only that which feels right for me.



howdy there angiemitchell! so fair dinkum means honest or legitimate?

wow look at that beach! those beaches are so nice because the sand part is so wide!

Haha, yes janton this is what 'fair dinkum' means, it is very Australian. I think that I take our beaches for granted. Sorry this is such a late reply - only found it!

haha! howdy angiemitchell! this is the latest reply I've ever gotten! lol. but I'm thankful that you found it!

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