There is only one of you – Look after yourself; Love yourself like you would like someone else to!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Loving yourself might sound selfish or self-revolving to some, but the point of the matter is, if you can not love and respect yourself as well as your body, how could you expect someone else to?

Also when you look after yourself and give yourself the advantage of being in a good position you are capable of looking after the ones you care for better.

You only get one body throughout your earthly journey, and that needs love too. Take good care of your body; by getting the necessary exercise for your body to work at optimum you are directly making a statement that you care enough about yourself and your health to make every moment count.

The Idea of exercise to me:

For me the idea of exercise by means of taking the time to go to gym or any form of fitness institute is a daunting one, I have found that once you are over your initial routine-break stadium it becomes more inviting to go none the less the extent of my exercise for the greater part remains my active lifestyle on the farm, I tend to walk a lot between the various projects on the far, and do a lot of the work myself, that tends to keep me reasonably fit. My meditation takes place under the closest accommodating trees, and from time to time my friend would come over for some poi practice or even a nice out door session of yoga.

My downfall… FOOD

I simply love food, at this stage I fear that I have broken the equilibrium of exercising more than I eat and the more I eat the less I tend to want to be active, on the upside the most of my food is organically grown on the farm, and at least that makes for healthier meals.

Breaking the cycle,

So, I have decided to break the cycle, I have consciously started eating better and living as active as I can, Today I even dragged the bicycle out of its dusty layer in the garage and repaired the flat tires. Why? Because I deserve a healthier life than what I am giving myself at the moment.

image credit


Hey there @breezin - make sure you using the tag teamsouthafrica ;)

Tee Hee whoopsie, short attention span

I have a bicycle needing similar attention. Thank you for the reminder of WHY my bike needs work too! I usually am more active than I've been recently, I'm anxious to get in better shape. I blame Steemit, of course.

LOL any excuse is better than none!!

This is exactly what I needed.

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