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RE: Things I learned before turning 22

in #life5 years ago

If you are still young and have saving, invest it.

Investing is definitely a good idea, but also, traveling when old might not just be the same experience as young. This is a difficult one, because you can't have the best of the both worlds where you invest everything you have and travel as much as you can, but maybe there can be a healthy balance where you can invest some, but still leave some money on the side for carefully considered trip or two. I guess it just comes down to the person and priorities.

But if you think about it, you're travels definitely haven't gone to wasted if it has awoken you to think more long-term while you're still young. What if you had waited? Would you have reached the same conclusions as soon?


That's a good insight! my mistake was, I did long travel and far instead a short trip to nearby area; still trying to find that balance. Also, if I hadn't travel, I don't think I would reach the same conclusion or been through some stuff that was life changing.

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