The Pro-Vax Trolls Impersonating Disease Injured Families And Doctors On Social Media

in #life6 years ago


There is no doubt there are people on the comment sections of vaccine injury and vaccine freedom websites such as Age of Autism, Mothering Magazine and Amazon who actively promote vaccines.

Could these be real people? Is this all a smoke mirror?

We will discuss the possibility of the Medical Industry paying shills to troll thoughtful blogs and websites we all use today!


Why would a shill discredit anti-vaccine communities?

Because if an anti-vaccine post has nothing but amazing comments from individuals it will look legitimate to everyone.

My recent anti-vaccine post had multiple commenters similar to this:

Pro Vax Shill.JPG


The article looks less legitimate to the naked eye because "individuals" took the time to write long, angry responses.

Why should I believe you @chron?

Because we live in a world where the above person (not mentioning names) can not be distinguished from a normal person without a doctorate! How would you know? He could just as easily been a troll employed by the Medical Industry

There is no way to distinguish people on the Internet.

The pro-vaccine maniacs have a single purpose in life! To discredit anything that proves vaccines wrong.


Anti-vaccine comments are more likely true individuals

Because there is no corporation which would pay you to promote anti-vaccine articles and comments!

There is however a very large amount of money used yearly by the Medical Industry for Marketing.


In fact, there is more money being spent by Big Pharma on Sales & Marketing than on Research and Developement!

Maybe because people are starting to question their motives...


How social media has Impacted the health care industry

More than 40% of consumers say that information found via social media affects the way they deal with their health.

According to Referral MD

The easiest way for the Medical Industry to push their own agenda is through social media and mainstream news mediums.

If you watch MSNBC, Fox News or any other corporate media propaganda stations you will most likely not hear much about how Big Pharma takes advantage of consumers. This is because those stories will create major conflict of interest for the people behind the scenes.


Steemit may be infiltrated as well!

Who is to say the same sly and corrupt actions are not being covertly placed on our valued blockchain?

I have seen multiple comments to my posts and others from "doctors" who claim to be passionate, even angry at times when you discredit the Medical Industry.

Even after posting this article, I believe multiple people will write a long and passionate pro vaccine comments...

I am sad to say this, but many of them may not actually care about vaccines, they will be paid actors who actively comment on anti vaccine articles.



What Should We Do?

First of all, do all your own research on the pharmaceutical drugs you take! God knows what the Doctor wants to treat your mild condition with.

Second, do not research from the media sources owned by those same corporations! There is no way anything real gets past those filters.

Steemit is a good example of an independence news source.

However, be wary of the "doctors in disguise".

Main Image Source

Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.

Who is @Chron?


@chron is a 16 year old robot-headed Steemer, currently based in Bali, Indonesia.

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Actually I already dealt with this on here. The guy admitted it. He was pretending to be the mother of a vaccine injured child to get my upvote, and then bragging to others about how clever he was for deceiving folks. I believe his rep score got nuked, which was gratifying, but yeah, they are out there. Watch out.

Thanks for the post.

What a poser!

Thanks for your sharing your personal experience.

Glad he got nuked 💣

No worries @kafkanarchy

Tell me who this is so I can Nuke him myself please ; )

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So anyone who is pro-vaccine is a troll? I don't think it matters what your stance is, simply disagreeing with someone doesn't make you a troll. The immediate dismissal of views counter to your own is exactly how issues get so polarized.

I'd take troll as a backhanded compliment and leave it there. If you are one who has simply not done the grammar and logic, I apologize, but better get to that.

There are worse things to be, like a true believer.

If you've paid attention to the vaccine tag here you might have gathered that any reasoned discussion of vaccines starts with skepticism not jingoism or appeal from authority.

The immediate dismissal of views counter to your own is exactly how issues get so polarized.

Agreed, but how do you take seriously rank falsity which you've spent a thousand hours parsing, understanding, and finding the errors and contradictions contained within? Polarization between ignorance and knowledge is a desirable condition.

Vaccines should be a personal decision, an informed individual choice. All the information should be on the table, informed consent or nothing.

Just as @teamsteem has said I did not imply all people pro-vaccine are trolls.

I was more pushing towards how there is a lot of money spent on the marketing of the Medical Industry and they might be employing tactics to pay trolls to discredit anyone pushing the counter argument.

Exactly @lifeworship!

We should be able to hear everyone's perspective.

He never said that.

The article asks the question- "Could these be real people? Is this all a smoke mirror?" referring to people who comment on and disagree with anti-vax articles.

This line-
"I am sad to say this, but many of them may not actually care about vaccines, they will be paid actors who actively comment on anti vaccine articles."

makes it seem like he believes that more often than not people who disagree are doing so because they are some paid troll instead of just opposed to whatever the point being made is. I just happen to think that there are real people out there who aren't paid shills for any industry who voice their disagreement for non-monetary reasons and that this is far more likely than the alternative.

When you say "Anti-vaccine comments are more likely true individuals" you are implying that pro-vaccine comments are more likely to come from fake users/trolls and I suppose I just disagree with that statement.

So anyone who is pro-vaccine is a troll?

Your statement is implying that the post stated that everyone that is pro-vaccine is a troll and the author never made such a statement. Many and all are 2 different concepts.

That is correct, he never stated all. To be fair I didn't make a statement either but asked a question that he could clarify. I amended it in the comment to more often than not and mostly*, but the gist of the disagreement remains the same.

Your question is misleading. He stated many of them. This is different than all, as you have admitted.

I agree with you the disagreement remains nonetheless.

So.... your "doctor" friend got all the way through medical school without mastering some basic English and grammar? Does not realize well and done are two words, there is no compound word of "welldone." Does not know the difference between "its" and "it's." Does not know the difference between "whose" and "who's." I will give him "coughiing" as a typo. "Researches" is not a word, not the way he used it. The entire post consists of mostly sentence fragments.
Right, this is a doctor... It cannot be a troll, he said he was a doctor and no one lies on the internet.
Sorry, my inner grammar Nazi rarely gets to come out and play.


I don't know if he is a "doctor" from a non English speaking country or not!

No one lies on the internet

Especially if they have a "PHD" 😆

Doctors go to medical school to get a license to practice medicine.
People go to drivers training to get a license to practice driving.
Does that mean they are all good drivers?

"Inoculation means introducing into the body certain products of disease through the skin of a healthy person, so giving "built-in" resistance to the disease."

Do Medical Doctors know the difference between cause and effect?

Cow pus eradicated small pox? We will call the pus the virus.(poison).

Cancer is the result of the cause. For example, radiation causes cancer. Chemotherapy causes cancer. Smoking causes cancer, etc. What caused the cow to have pimples on its teats is any bodies guess, but the pimples didn't cause themselves. There was a cause.

To take the result of a disease and claim it will prevent disease was and is absurd.

Eat cookies , cakes, pizza and drink pop EVERYDAY FOR WEEKS.Eventually you will get pimples - pus And we will call the pus a virus (poison) I'm going to collect all that pus and inject into people to try and prevent pimples ?! Or should we prevent pimples by eating better?

Think about it!

Did the pimples cause themselves? Of course not. The cause was the food eaten. The result was the body trying to eliminate the poison created by the bad food.

This is why doctors treat symptoms. They don’t understand cause and don’t know the difference between cause and effect.

Do toxoids prevent toxins?
Do antibodies determine immunity?

Does drinking Radium protect you from nuclear meltdown?

Very true!

A revolution of medicine and medical profession as a whole must be conducted.

Thank you for your lovely comment 👍😀

The earth is flat and the vaccines are bad!

I think I might be watching the same youtube videos as you 😉

Outstanding post and narrative. Thank you for sharing!

Glad you enjoyed!

I will continue to share 😁

Woow, your post value reaches $ 119, amazing mr @charon,
thanks for sharing information.

Yes! I worked hard!

Thanks for sharing comment mr @indraperdanaok

Good points.

Upvoted 100%


Don't get too delusional you madman!

I believe that there are merits to vaccines and huge problems at the same time. There is a lot of information that is hidden from the public and a lot of the vaccines don't work as advertised or CAN have potentially devastating side effects but never mind all that. I believe in acquired immunity in most cases except in the case of course to a potentially fatal disease. However here's the catch, I have no reason to get a ton of vaccines. I don't travel and if I did I use herbs and natural options to protect myself, for the most part. Don't get me wrong I wouldn't dare go somewhere where a whole bunch of people had say TB or something that I may not know how to treat right off the bat as I wouldn't be of help to them or myself. I would either steer clear or get vaccinated after I knew and had accepted the risks if I deemed them acceptable. Usually though I do not trust vaccines just as a general rule, not because of a conspiracy I just don't feel they are safe enough as a rule in general. I also feel we the public aren't informed of the REAL potential risks involved in those substances we are to put into our bodies, I feel we need to be better informed period.

Yes, without being informed we know nothing.

Good on ya for questioning the authorities! Keep it up 👍

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