A Transformation Work Culture from Hard-worker become to smart-worker

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Cover Photo
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Greetings My Steemfriends

A. Preliminary

From my place at Aceh The Province Which in the western part Country of the Republic of Indonesia, I wish you all in a good health and keep the spirit to remain creative on #steemit. Steem!! On.

In this evening, I've been sitting in one of the coffee outlet, named M-Kupi espresso nearby with my home, this writing session is outside of my habit to write, because I want to find new sensations in writing outside the House, accompanied by a cup of espresso coffee the seeds originating from the Gayo, where coffee origin Gayo in great demand all over the world because it has the characteristics of a specific taste and aroma.

Thank you to all my friends who still take the time to see the results of my work

Today I invite all steemfriends to look at the side of a culture of life's transformation " Transformation of culture work's from Hardworker become to smartworker ".

Fig. 2 of 5
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Fig. 3 of 5
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B. Description

In a case in the world several of men/women were in a comfortable position and adequate productive age, this is certainly no constraint nor must perform a revolution or transformation of cultures/ways of life, but for the part of man who feels his life has not been in accordance with the standard of living is desired, then we suggest he should hasten to do a breakthrough/transformation patterns thinks the way of life to get & level life she wanted.

Why do we have to do a transformation? yeah right, the answer is because we need something to make ourselves into better than ever.
After the title start with transformation let us look at some of the questions arising due to do a transforms, like what?

  • How heavy the effort it takes to do the transformation to live better?
  • How long does will take?
  • What is needed for that?
  • Can I?

So many questions over a transformation, let along we see the answer through the analogy that I can form an interesting reading about ESQ.*
*(Emotional Spiritual Question)

Here's my try discussing such a transformation where the analogy that I take is the life of an eagle

A bird can be older than 70 years. But ahead of the Eagle the Eagle the Eagle 35 years old then it is indeed very old and curved Nail Polish started due to its length, as well as his beak even feathers began to fall and thin so that the Eagle was not able to fly high and It's hard to grab its prey with a curved beak and nails it.

In this case, the Eagle has only 2 options :

1. Die, due to not being able to eat and survive
2. Life, by way of undergoing a painful process for nearly 150 days

Yes, of course, an Eagle would choose to survive, these Eagles will fly using the remnants of his energies towards a cliff and weary he will crash his body as well as the clawed cliffs weary with nails and beak up fur loss and nails and break apart. The Eagle is going to fall down a cliff and then crawl looking for stone caves under the cliffs and took refuge there for 150 days. To survive the Eagles just drink from the raindrops on stones.

After 150 days of what happened?? eagle feathers will regrow similarly nail and beak became claws and beak are sharp. Then after you survive with great difficulty the Eagles will be the young Eagle again. This time it was even more strongly than before and he managed to continue his life for more than 70 years.

Fig. 4 of 5
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Fig. 5 of 5
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C. The Conclusion
The conclusions of the above story is an event a transformation that rely solely on animal instincts, but many of the benefits that we can take, such as?

1. The age will grow and grow old while Technology will increasingly incipient " so increasing the age then knowledge must grow with the trend", indeed we are getting experiences, but without we realize that things around we changed. We could have just missed out on the technology that is now growing very quickly.

2. We may miss the variety of information so that our thinking be not effective anymore. Things of the past which is effective but now this is becoming no longer adequate.

3. If we do not change our mindset and culture of life then we'll miss with young people with modern thinking on the contrary, when we constantly adapt to the changes then we can still keep the remains able to perform the best, things we can set parameters required is a change we do is "ASK" that Attitude, Skill and Knowledge, if these three things can we manage well rest assured that a change towards a better will we get, in every reference I found the time change/transformation that ranges between 1 ~ 150 days.

F. Suggestion and Closing

  • Hopeful you enjoy my post, and my photographs result.

This my short explanation about the Transformation, if there is an error in the writing, I received input from all readers. Thank you for your time to visit my Blog

Best regards

Dedy Rendra

The End

Name : M Dedy Rendra
Nationality: Aceh, Indonesia
Sex : Male
Hobbies : Photography | Traveler|
email : [email protected]

Member in Discord :

  1. eSteem
  2. Discord of NSC


M Dedy Rendra S
Member of Steemit

Disclaimer :

  • The Photographs is mine.

Date of Published : Tuesday, June 5, 2018



Thank your Mr. Abie.... Welcome to my blog... Have a bice day for you

#Goresan yg absolute, burung elang yg gagah dan tanpa kenal takut bahkan dijuluki the king di udara mandiri dan slalu memerhati keadaan sekitar walau cuaca hujan dan badai...Mirrõr of life, burung elang selalu berhasil dlm perburuan walau hrs bersabar di atas dahan menunggu mangsa yg keluar, human hidup jg begitu kesabaran akan mendatangkan keberhasilan baik dari segi activity work atau di segmen alinea. But,,if the mindset of our people is difficult to change | betul tidak pak @dedyrendra njang baek..tetapi saya sangat menyukai siburung elang apa lagi falcon & harrier. 🤗👍

Smart.... Nice statament... Its our problem to change the mindset of our people to the best.... Some of them won't to learn and keep the spirit to smartthinking and do in smart work.

Awesome Work!

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