Palm Oil your enemy!?, But seriously it's not my enemy!.

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Dear steemian friends..


For environmental activists, maybe the trees on the plantation are a source of disaster, the water that is absorbed by the trees makes other plants around it unable to develop properly, besides the realm of overgrown land couldn't longer produce other types of plants, not only that of course, deforestation carried out by some oil palm farmers is often a threat to animals that live in forests that were previously their homes, not to mention farmers being fed up with rising prices of fertilizers, even harvests bought at the price rules of middlemen. It's difficult, but for me the old trees that are no longer productive are not my enemies, at least five of my relatives don't need to take care of passports in brokers at immigration to become slaves of oil palm plantations in neighboring countries. The difficulty of obtaining employment in this country makes middle and lower class people who have education below national standards unable to get jobs, moreover they only have farming skills from generation to generation from their families.

Bagi aktivis lingkungan mungkin pohon-pohon di perkebunan itu adalah sumber bencana, kebutuhan air yang diserap pohon-pohon itu membuat tumbuhan lain disekitar tidak mampu lagi berkembang dengan baik, selain ranah lahan yang ditumbuhi nya pun tidak mampu lagi menghasilkan tanaman jenis lainnya, bukan itu saja, deforestasi yang dilakukan oleh sebahagian petani kelapa sawit kerap menjadi ancaman bagi satwa yang hidup di hutan yang sebelumnya menjadi rumah mereka, belum lagi petani dicekoki harga pupuk yang melambung, bahkan hasil panen dibeli sesuka aturan harga para tengkulak. Pelik memang, namun begitu bagiku pohon-pohon usang tua yang mulai tidak produktif lagi itu bukan musuhku, setidaknya lima orang sanak familiku tidak perlu mengurus paspor pada calo di imigrasi untuk menjadi budak perkebunan sawit di negara tetangga. Sulitnya mendapatkan lapangan kerja di negeri ini menjadikan masyarakat menengah kebawah yang memiliki pendidikan dibawah standar nasional tidak bisa mendapatkan lapangan kerja, apalagi mereka hanya memiliki keahlian bertani secara turun temurun dari keluarganya.


Palm oil plantations are already far away in the province of Aceh, even these plantations have been in existence since the Orde Baru era, but not all farmers plant palm oil, only local and national private companies own palm oil plantations in Aceh, PT. NUSANTARA 1 for example, this company has existed in several parts of the province of Aceh to work on these plantation crops, such as in Aceh Tamiang, Langsa, East Aceh and North Aceh for example, this company even had to exert its plantation workers when the Aceh conflict lasted several years ago.

Perkebunan kelapa sawit memang sudah jauh hari ada di provinsi Aceh, bahkan tumbuhan perkebunan ini telah ada semenjak zaman orde baru, meski begitu tidak semua petani menanam kelapa sawit, hanya perusahaan swasta lokal dan nasional yang memiliki lahan perkebunan kelapa sawit di Aceh, PT. NUSANTARA 1 misalnya, perusahaan ini telah eksis dibeberapa wilayah provinsi Aceh untuk menggarap tanaman perkebunan ini, sebut saja di Aceh Tamiang, Langsa, Aceh timur dan Aceh Utara misalnya, perusahaan ini bahkan sempat harus mengeksoduskan para tenaga kerja perkebunan nya ketika konflik Aceh berlangsung beberapa tahun silam.


The persistence of Palm oil plantations in the province of Aceh found its demand after the conflict, even some peasants planted in areca nut, cocoa and rubber diverted their garden functions into oil palm plantations, logging of various other plantations ensued, oil palm became the prima donna of new plantation crops for the people at that time, almost certain interest the community to try to plant oil palm is still going on today, although the anime is not as big as the intensity in the early 2000s.

Eksistensi perkebunan sawit di provinsi Aceh menemukan peminatnya paska konflik, bahkan beberapa petani perkebunan jenis Pinang, kakao dan karet mengalihkan fungsi kebunnya menjadi perkebunan sawit, penebangan berbagai tumbuhan perkebunan lainnya pun terjadi, sawit menjadi primadona tanaman perkebunan baru bagi masyarakat saat itu, hampir dipastikan ketertarikan masyarakat untuk mencoba menanam sawit masih berlangsung hingga saat ini, meski anime nya tidak sebesar intensitas di awal era tahun 2000-an.


Oil palm plants are now very easy to find, you could say almost every region in the province of Aceh has become an oil palm plantation, only a few districts / cities do not have a high population of these plants, while other regions could be sure to make oil palm plantations helping the economy of small communities untill now.

Tanaman sawit kini sudah sangat mudah ditemukan, bisa dibilang hampir setiap daerah di provinsi Aceh sudah menjadi perkebunan sawit, hanya tinggal beberapa kabupaten /kota saja yang tidak memiliki populasi tumbuhan ini dalam jumlah tinggi, sedangkan wilayah lainnya bisa dipastikan sudah menjadikan sawit sebagai sentra perkebunan yang membantu perekonomian masyarakat kecil hingga saat ini.


The price of TBS (Fresh Fruit Bunches) is now a crucial problem among the community, palm oil is bought at a cheap price, not a few farmers who claim to be still losing money with this plant, even so they have no other choice, large capital has already been disbursed, inevitably the struggle must continue even though often the conditions they experience are far from expectations. The local government has not been able to manage natural products well, it has become a miserable benchmark for oil palm farmers, TBS produced by farmers is only able to be processed into CPO (Crude Palm Oil), couldn't be consumed by the community, even farmers themselves , CPO trucks took turns to transport them to the neighboring province of North Sumatra, where the production of natural products was properly produced, the other trucks returned to bring the results to be ready for consumption by the CPO-producing community.

Harga TBS (Tandan Buah Segar) kini menjadi masalah krusial dikalangan masyarakat, sawit dibeli dengan harga murah, tidak sedikit petani yang mengaku masih merugi dengan tumbuhan ini, pun begitu mereka tidak memiliki pilihan lain, modal yang besar terlanjur sudah dikucurkan, mau tidak mau perjuangan harus tetap dilanjutkan meski acap kali kondisi yang mereka alami jauh dari harapan. Belum mampunya pemerintah daerah setempat mengelola hasil alam dengan baik menjadi tolak ukur sengsara nya kalangan petani sawit, TBS yang dihasilkan oleh petani hanya mampu di olah menjadi CPO (Crude Palm Oil/Minyak sawit mentah), belum bisa menjadi konsumsi masyarakat, bahkan petani ya sendiri, truk-truk CPO bergantian giliran mengangkut nya ke provinsi tetangga Sumatera Utara, disanalah perahan hasil alam tersebut di produksi dengan benar, truk-truk lainnya kembali membawa hasil tersebut untuk siap di konsumsi oleh masyarakat penghasil CPO tersebut.


It is indeed a complicated problem faced by our local farmers, besides that they are also faced with company conspiracy ready to work on their plantations at any time, such cost and benefits, when the price of fertilizer is higher and the price of crops is increasingly under market pressure, like it or not, farmers have to give up the land to be managed by the private sector, of course the price they receive is not worth the amount that has been issued, but the what else!?, the solution is the only one that could be given by our local government at this time. Do we still consider palm oil as an enemy? while the faeces that come out of our anus contain farmers' oil palm CPO?! Palm oil your enemy, but seriously it's not my enemy!

Berat memang permasalahan pelik yang dihadapi petani lokal kita, selain itu mereka juga dihadapkan dengan kongkalingkong perusahaan yang siap menggarap perkebunan mereka kapan saja, cost dan benefits seperti itulah adanya, ketika harga pupuk semakin tinggi dan harga hasil panen semakin dibawah tekanan pasar, mau tidak mau petani harus menyerahkan lahan ya untuk dikelola pihak swasta, tentu saja harga yang mereka terima tidak setimpal dengan apa yang sudah dikeluarkan, tapi apalacur, solusi itu satu-satunya yang mampu diberikan oleh pemerintah daerah kita saat ini. Masihkah kita menganggap sawit sebagai musuh? sedangkan feses yang keluar dari anus kita terkandung perahan kelapa sawit milik petani?! Kelapa sawit musuhmu, tapi bukan musuhku!

Photos taken by Nikon D7100
Aceh -Indonesia


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Very good post

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