2017 was a wild ride with an unexpected destination

in #life6 years ago


Here in the US, the countdown for the new year is reaching it's final hours. Yet this year's end, for me personally, is unlike any I've ever experienced. As I approach the end of this year, I can't help but feel a sense of humility. The majority of this year, for me, was spent in a desperate attempt to gain understanding. Nothing made sense, and no one I met could provide even the slightest perspective. So I kept praying (sometimes known as) begging, arguing , and threatening to give up. Yet nothing made sense. So I kept working, and doing what little I could do, while still praying for understanding. I began to realize that I had allowed myself to become distracted, and in my distraction I had forgotten God.

In the past, when I was in need of his help, I had no problems finding time throughout the day to acknowledge Him, praise Him, and or give thanks for the small the small things. By keeping Him in mind, my eyes were open for chances to serve him by helping others. I was looking for chances too be a blessing, and because I was actually looking. I was able to experience so many wonderful moments, where I actually saw God's favor in action.

Yet with time I grew comfortable, and slowly drifted away. Yet my experience taught me the importance of seeking God's friendship. Realizing that the chaos, which was now the norm of my life, was a result of my own distraction. I began, once again, to seek God. Luckily for me, He is a God of second chances. As many as needed, as He has proven in my case.

So I began going to bible studies, and intentionally speaking to him throughout the day. As I continued my studies, I was reminded of many things that I had forgotten. As I write this, I have to say that I was not the picture of a perfect student. God knows our hearts, he does not expect perfection from us. All that he wants is genuine affection, and a genuine attempt to understand his will for us. As my attention drifted away from my own problems, and I began to look for His will for me. I began to see Him working in my life. I was even able to be a blessing in other people's lives, and see first hand God Grace in the lives of others. This reinforced my faith that only God could fix my mess.

Yet despite my growing trust in God. Nothing around me seemed to be changing. The only changes occurring were actually happening inside of me. Looking back, there was no way I could have known what was coming. My constant prayer was that God would give me discernment, the ability to make quality choices. I did the best I could, with what I had. Then I trusted that the rest was in His hands. The holy spirit is an amazing teacher. All that is needed is an open heart and an open mind, combined with the courage to take the actions we feel lead to take.

December has left me was a renewed trust in God's wisdom. Throughout this year I wasn't able to do much in terms of correcting my situation. Most of my time was spent adjusting to my situation, and seeking understanding. Yet thanks to His inspiration, I was able to take a few steps that has change my outlook for this upcoming year. My situation remains the same. Yet thanks to His pointing me in certain directions. I have now acquired a new understanding of my resources, along with a few new blessings. I feel fully equipped to take these challenges head on. I started the year lost and without vision. I look forward to this new year, with a renewed understanding, strengthened faith, and clearer vision of what is possible.

I'm not writing this post to brag in any way, shape, or form. My hope is that if you find yourself in a similar situation, as I was in the beginning of this year. That this post has inspired you to seek out God's Will for your life.

It is only natural, to go to God with your problems in hand and ask him to fix it. I challenge you to take it a step farther, and ask him to show you his will for your life. Be willing to let him show you his power, by using what little you do have to bless others. If you can muster the courage to bless others, when you yourself are in need of a blessing. You will be amazed at the blessings that will flood your life. The bible says we should seek His face, not His hand. When we first start seeking God it is only natural to be focused on our needs. Yet as we grow in our understanding of him, our relationship with Him will become more and more valuable to us.

I pray that this year brings and expanded understanding of God's will over your life. May God bless you and your family with successful breakthroughs in every area of your life. For it is His Will for you to prosper, so that you will be an even bigger blessing to others.
Happy New Year :)


god will only help those who help themselves, our dedication and hardwork will pay off one day if not right now..we must keep patience :) hapy new year mate, may the coming year be a very successful to you

Thank you and see you too. Hope the new year brings you tons of blessings and plenty of discernment to know what to do with them. :-)

@dreamingirwin, God is good! Isn't it great that no matter how distracted we are with God, He always has us on His mind?! 😊 2017 brought me a precious friend in you and for that, I'm grateful! You mean the world to me. 😍

🤗 Thank you, I appreciate that. The feeling is mutual... You rock. This year turned out to be a really blessed year for me. And I thank God cuz it was all him.

I believe 2018 will be a steemian new year :)

I believe you're right. We were blessed to find steemit when we did.

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