Cryptomania, risky decisions, and freezing blessings

in #life6 years ago (edited)

So last Thursday there was a decent dip in the cryptocurrencies market. The price of Litecoin began to drop significantly. I was working my usual shift that day, starting at 4pm and leaving sometime after 2am. Yet out of habit I took a look at the market and saw the price dropping. At first I really did not think anything of it. For the last few weeks the market has had this pattern . Dropping significantly during the weekdays, and then rising back up on the weekends. I even smiled remembering that my friend was waiting for Litecoin hit 140 to buy. I found humor in imagining him scrambling to buy, as the price neared to 140.

It was a normal day, just doing my deliveries as usual. Yet as the price got closer and closer to 130, I felt myself getting a little anxious. I had already spent my allotted amount of money for crypto. Work has been slow, so I don't really have any extra money around. I found myself pondering how I could acquire some extra money. I laughed at myself, thinking, " there are people right now who are sick to their stomach because of how low the price has gone." Yet I was nervous about not having money to buy.

I managed to keep myself from using the money that I had set aside for bills for most of the day. Though I did find myself reaching out to friends for support . My friend @karencarrens even helped me overcome the urge to buy, by reminding of the advice of one of my favorite leadership teachers Orrin Woodward. Reminding me of his teaching on financial wisdom and investing. The money I had was not for spending on cryptos.

After work I decided to do laundry, and headed to the local 24-hour laundromat. I kept wishing that I can figure out how to buy at least one more coin. It was about 5 in the morning, and I was waiting on my clothes to dry. That's when I looked at the price and saw that it had dropped to 120. I couldn't hold it anymore. I left the laundromat and went to the atm. Deposited some cash that I was not supposed to spend, and signed on to coinbase. I was now the owner of one more Litecoin. Yet now I had the problem of figuring out how to replace the money. I finally went to sleep somewhere around 7am, just after I said a few prayers. Asking God to bless and illogical and sporadic individual like myself, with some means of avoiding the trouble that I now might be facing.

I got up at 9:30am and went to work, completely unaware that my blessing had already taken effect. Just 2 hours ago the temperature was relatively warm and comfortable, even though it's raining. As I headed to work the temperature had dropped to negative and somewhat painful levels. I also found out that Litecoin had dip down to the $100 range. Yet I was content with the price that I paid. My biggest challenge now was how to replace the funds I spent.

Barely 2 hours into my shift, my boss asked me if I would work a double. To which I replied," of course I have to pay for my Litecoin". Though I did question my sanity. Working a 17-hour shift, after only 2 hours of sleep, is not exactly logical. Yet I had no one to blame, but myself. The cold was unforgiving, and as the sun went down the temperatures dropped even farther. My hands begin to ache with a similar bitter resentment.

As the shift progressed, I soon began realize that a hidden blessing had been ushered in by extremely bitter weather conditions. Though the cold weather created uncomfortable working conditions. It was the same extreme cold, that inspired an unusually high number of customers to order pizza. It was these same conditions that gave my customers a heightened level of appreciation, which was reflected in the generous tips that I received. By the time my shift was over I had received an equivalent to the previous 3 days of delivery. I was back on track, and feeling absolutely blessed.

Now I am completely aware that my decision to spend money, even after I had already over spent, was reckless and unwise. I realize that my decision not only put my financial situation at risk but also of those who rely on me. I am in no way promoting these types of decisions. I wrote this article in a humble appreciation for a blessing that I did not deserve.

When I prayed for a blessing, I had no idea how that blessing would come. I could never have imagined that part of the blessing would come in the form of miserable weather, or that it would come in two parts. Though slightly more subtle, there was a second part to that blessing. The second part of the blessing came in the wisdom to recognize that I had indeed received a blessing. Had I not been made aware that I was receiving a blessing. I might have lessened its impact, by adopting a poor attitude towards the cold weather.

Though this is slightly more subtle, it's equally as important. The fact that I was aware of the opportunity, allowed me to take advantage of it. I'm absolutely certain, that if I had adopted a poor attitude. I would not have earned as much as I did. My poor attitude would have had an impact on my work performance, and possibly how my customers responded to me. The wisdom to spot my blessing combined with my willingness to act on it, and this created the grounds for its fruition.

Thank you for taking the time to read my story. Being human means that we are not always going to make the best choices. Yet it is nice to know that there's a loving God that watches over us. It is unwise to live recklessly, and expect that he will cover our poor choices. However, there's nothing wrong with asking him to bless us when we have overstepped our bounds. I pray that God sends many blessings into your life, and that along with them comes the wisdom to recognize and act on them. God bless. :)

In case you missed it here are the results to the 2018 Resteem Bonanza listing all the details of the contest, and the amazing recent post from its contestants.


Take it easy friend. Most of us live something like you in these days and your thought are right finally. We dont make true desicions always. Your writing is quite clear and inspiring. Thanks

Thank you. I tend to be over zealous when I get passionate about something. Often times I get myself into trouble. Yet I often find humor in the wonderful things God does for me. He has bailed me out of situations on numerous occasions. I can almost see him shaking his head looking down with a smile. Thank you for sharing with me. I appreciate you taking the time to read the article.

What an incredible post, sincerely I like this kind of content that is like a blog, I'm glad you know about Orrin Woodward and I also think he's a wonderful guy that I've learned a lot from. Many greetings and blessings, my dear friend, I hope to continue seeing this Content type in Steemit is very good and the great work is appreciated.

Thank you very much for your compliment. I appreciate that you sincerely read the article, that means a lot to me. Orrin Woodward is definitely one of the greatest Minds in our time. The leaders in his community will play a great role in the upcoming future. God bless :-)

Over all that's the great post ..
I realize it is so valuable post .
Best of luck ..Carry on your own way..👍👍

Thanks, I appreciate the compliment. :)

Your words are inspirational to me

Thank you I appreciate it :)

I noticed SBD transfered to me by you
Thanks so much

Your welcome :) thank you for supporting the contest.

great information post that went up !! If it is to pull the hair with this low Litecoin and other cryptocurrency more.

Trust me I understand. Me and my friends are in the middle of the debate, how long to wait before we jump in.

excellent publication yours, has a lot of information that serves as advice. It's good that you've met Orrin Woodward is very bright.

Yeah I was blessed to be able to meet him. He runs with some really great people.

I love your publications, they are your day-to-day experiences

I appreciate you taking the time to read my post. I'm glad you liked it.

Gratitude will always multiply the blessings. There's so much positivity in you. You attract the blessing that you are having now. And you will attract more. Inspirational dear @dreamingirwin. ♥

Thank you so much. I know that I'm a blessed man. Most of the time when I write a post, the message I share is primarily for me. I actually learn a lot more just from the writing of these post.

good publication They are very good and entertaining anecdotes.

Well thank you. I appreciate you taking the time to read it.

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