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RE: What if you were paid to write?

in #life6 years ago

There are ethical and moral considerations to take into account. I have in the past had many paid gaming opportunities that I’ve created for myself. Some I have lived partially off of playing many games in the past. Some of them I’ve written about but not make it so apparent in how I was earning an income from them. Others I’ll only discuss in the vaguest of terms if ever.

Something I’ve never really address I have so in another comment today. Steemit is more of a step for me along a path that has many forks and options in it. A number of my blogs I would consider to be a portfolio of sorts that I’m building and growing to highlight examples of certain types of my work. Mix in with those types of things are just me more personally as a person as I explore different things and showcase I have an array of scope. It is part of my longer term strategy so I don’t tend to talk about those kinds of things very publicly.

There are a few paid gaming gigs out there that are also soul draining and will kill joy all the fun out of gaming. Many of my old opportunity are long gone and I'm hoping to build something here that I can take with me else where if needed be.

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