Stop The Rain

in #life6 years ago (edited)

To start this post. I think it would be good to change the view just a little from the standard "great flower" start up look.
Even though that would be OK.
So, here is one view first. Then we can go back to the flowers.
The one above is showing the results of the recent rains we have had here.
Sunshine State? lol

That above was pretty. Let's add a few more.

The flowers are so pretty to look at. More please................

As we move along here with our post. We will always be able to see and post something other than flowers. Such as this below.

Very nice little dog above. But, now we go back to flowers.
Flowers will always get our attention if the color and shape is right.

To close and finish this post. Let's go back to the water that we looked at in the beginning.
Florida is the Sunshine State. That is the advertisement anyway.
But, these water looking plants growing along side of the road let's us know that there is a water source from someplace. And I think it is from the sky. Ha

That ends my work on Steemit for you today.
If I could only get my needed work finished soon.
I will have more to show you in my area.
But, until then.
Let this song bring some peace to our souls

Chris JLove-(Published on Jun 15, 2012)--added this to YouTube.
"Aaron Neville"

Thank you for following along with me in my Steemit life.
Will we stay forever? Good question.
Steemit Logo.png
Will Steemit be a vibrant and growing community?
Time will show us the answer.



Look at those orchids!!! Gorgeous @francisk!

OK. I'll bite. How do you want me to look at them???
Ha ha
Just kidding.
You are right.
They are beautiful.
Thank you


After the rain stops, there is a beautiful surroundings. Everything looks nice and beautiful.

Ha, stop the rain! This is what I was screaming just a few weeks ago. We've had over 8 inches of rain so far this year and thats way above normal. But, there's usually a silver lining to every dark cloud. This week we have been blessed with some gorgeous weather so hopefully our rain streak has ended and everything will return back to normal with Carolina blue skies most of the time. Also, hopefully crypto's will follow suit with returning back to normal if that is a such a thing...

Cryptos seem to be fine to me.
It is taking much longer than I would have thought.
But, nothing has changed.
Blockchain is overtaking the world.
Thank you


Wow lovely flowers . it is really look . such a great article .
this is great photography and nice work.
Thanks @francisk
have a great day.

Flowers size and their beauty both are beautiful. Thanks and have a nice day

Wow beautiful flowers first yellow and red flowers are most beautiful .

@francisk, Pretty beautiful flowers lot there. Flowers giving cool feelings, relaxation and meditation. Those once adorable looks indeed. Listen to the awesome song. Thanks for the inspiration.

Oh my god do you want to stop rain @francisk? Ok I'll do :D
Lot of superior flowers here staying. So beauty puppy looking around me via eyes. Nice fashionable images.

Hello @francisk, you are very kind sharing flowers and others in your posts, today I want to give you this detail, look at it a few seconds, you will have a nice surprise.

Happy day :)

Very pretty and nice.
Thank you


A wonderful walk and great photos, this magnificence of flowers just fascinates me with its beauty! Thank you @francisk

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