Working in the rain...My alone time.

in #life6 years ago

The drizzle persisted as I hiked up the hill laden with the tools of my trade, I didn't mind too much. The last time I was here, a few weeks ago and it was dry and barren, the rain we've had has greened it up nicely which is refreshing; There's still huge swathes of golden brown summer grasses to be found however in a week or two all remnants of the dead undergrowth will give way to a vibrant and rich green blanket of new grass and shrubs. Hiking to the high ground for a better vantage point is important to the task I was there to perform however I was forced to trudge through soppy low points where natural springs bubble up from the ground year-round. In summer they are identified by patches of green grass which endures throughout the hot months however from this time of year, Autumn through to early Summer they are characteristically waterlogged, adding to the water flowing in the creek that splits the property in half. Up and up I go stopping to glass the area with my binoculars, searching 360 degrees around me looking for my quarry.

The drizzle subsided after a short time and was replaced with a heavy mist, the kind that soaks through everything. It was cold, by Australian standards anyway, about 10 degrees and perfectly still. The mist just hung in the air and clung to everything. Fortunately I was dressed accordingly. I took the time to ensure the scope caps were firmly in place on my rifle scope, checked my equipment was in order and took a swig of water then moved on.

I was struck by the silence, always am. There was nothing but the tramp of my 5.11 combat boots and the occasional squeak of my equipment and ruck. I work hard at moving in silence, treading carefully to avoid dry grass, leaves, twigs and bark and ensuring my equipment is also silent. I didn't pack right today though and something was squeaking. I'd fix it the next time I stopped. Still, the almost silence was most welcome.

The silence is one of the benefits of doing this job; The ability to leave everything behind, work, life-pressures, the city, friends, fears, hopes, dreams...There was just the fresh air, heavy mist wetting my face, (the annoying squeak from my back pack), my footfalls and my breathing which was becoming more laboured the higher I went. I don't think much when I'm on the property working, I hike and stalk, prepare shooting positions and scope the area. That's about it. I like it that way as it allows me to eliminate everything else, to feel grounded for lack of a better word.

Today I stopped and said hello to the two guys you see in the image above. They're always around, sometimes they follow me and keep me company and other times I only see them from a distance. They're pretty friendly and certainly like a bit of attention. Of course when the shooting starts they tend to move away however on occasions they've spent hours only meters away from me cropping grass and wondering what the hell I'm actually doing.

The work I do at the cattle property is not for everyone; In fact many people may judge me, and others, who do what I do. However it's essential to keep the property viable and to keep produce hitting the supermarket shelves at an affordable price.

I provide a service, the humane dispatch of pests which would otherwise compromise the efficient or viable production of farm produce for our consumption. It's no different to spraying crops to guard against locusts, or the home gardener employing various means to protect their vegetable garden from snails. I remove the pest to provide operational integrity to the farmers business. As I said above, I don't get paid for the job as the time I spend alone and in the hills is reward enough; It gives me the break I need from a hectic life and the time to breathe, reflect and centre my thoughts.

[- Design and create your ideal life, don’t live it by default -]


Nice description - I love the kinds of interactions with horses and other animals you can have when you walk around a property quietly.

I sometimes stay until well after dark and wait for the night animals to emerge. Watching the sunset, the landscape changing from vibrant colours to muted greys and then black...Tonight it was like the drizzle washed the colour out of the world leaving only grey and black.

I love the time I spend out there. I feel more alive and part of the world there than when I’m surrounded by concrete, bitumen, cars, noise and people.

Sounds pretty special. I have only done that type of thing once or twice (not completely on my own at night though) - but I treasure any time I get to spend feeling a part of nature rather than a spectator to it.

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Begone you misbegotten bespawler. You are a cumberworld and a mandrake mymmerkin as well.

As always a piece well worth reading and worded powerfully mate. That beautiful friend silence does lend itself well to who cares to hear it and understand it.

The trust from the horses is quietly also so rewarding, no threat from either side, just quiet mutual respect.

I'd greatly appreciate a day like that. Enjoy your evening mate

Thanks Pete, silence is a valuable commodity in this noisy world. I value it greatly.

Indeed buddy, madness all around. Hope you guys are having a great day so far

Hi @galenkp

Next Adelaide Steemit meetup is on Thursday 31st of May 2018!

6pm onwards @ The Jade 142-160 Flinders Street.

Further details about the meetup can be found here

Hope to see you there, have a great day :) Stef aka @o07

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I’ll probably be there. Might bring a new user along. A recruit I’m been working on.

That’s great, look forward to catching up with you then :)

That sounds and looks so peacefull! Nature is really the perfect artist's canvas.

It’s a cool spot. Obviously I’m there for a purpose however the benefit I receive from my time there is immeasurable.

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