Aaa chuu.. Aaaa chuu.. Why Do We Sneeze?!

in #life6 years ago (edited)

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Sneezing is simply a mechanism which the body uses to clear the nose. When foreign particle which isn't supposed to be there such as dust, dirt, pollen or smoke, enters the nostrils, the nose would quickly become tickled or irritated. At this point, the body does exactly what it needs to do in order to clear the nose; it causes a sneeze. Sneezing is one of the body’s first defenses against invading bugs or bacteria.

  • What happens when we sneeze?

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    Sneezing, also called sternutation in medical field, forces water, mucus, and air from the nose with such an incredible force. The moment a foreign substance gains entrance into the nose, it might interact with the delicate skin and tiny skin which is positioned between the nasal passage. Once the delicate lining of the nose experiences the first touch of a foreign substance, it immediately sends a sharp electric signal to the brain. This signal informs the brain that the nose needs to be cleared;by itself. The brain signals the body that it’s time for a sneeze, and the body responds quickly by preparing itself for the impending contraction. In some cases, the eyes would be forced shut, while the tongue navigates to the top or roof of the mouth, and then the muscles brace up for the sneeze. All of this processes occur just in split second.

Sneezing also perform other vital roles in the body.

In 2012, researchers from the University of Pennsylvania discovered that sneezing is the nose’s natural way to “reset.” The study found that cilia, the cells that line the tissue inside the nose, are rebooted with a sneeze. Source

In other words, what this means is that a sneeze would resets the entire nasal environment. The knowledge of how to reactive those cells would help treat some other nasal issues.

  • When sneezing becomes a problem

Sneezing could become a bothersome activity, these happens especially when an individual find his/herself carrying a box of tissues around, usually in cold weather. Although sneezing is rarely a sign of a serious problem. But some persons with some certain conditions might experience additional symptoms or complications if they happen to sneeze too much. let's take for an example, people living with frequent nosebleeds, they might experience more bleeding episodes whenever they sneeze. Same way persons with migraines might also experience additional discomfort when they sneeze.


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Not everyone would respond to external stimuli or allergens the same as other persons around them. So if you do not sneeze after or taking a deep breath from a bouquet of daisies or walking in a hay field, you don’t need to worry. Some people’s nasal passages isn't so sensitive. However, if you begin sneezing frequently unable to point out any obvious cause, then you need to see your doctor.

Take Away

Irrespective of if you sneeze rarely or you happen to be just frequently reaching for your tissues, it’s very important that you practice proper sneeze hygiene. The mucus and water expelled from your nose whenever you sneeze could embody bacteria microbes which spreads illness.

When you have to sneeze, endeavour to cover your nose and mouth with a tissue. If you can’t grab a tissue too quickly, you could sneeze directly into your upper sleeve, but not your hands. Thereafter wash your hands with water and soap before touching any other surface. This will help prevent the spread of disease and germs.

Thanks For Reading
iam @gidionline


I bet I won't sneeze again

Sneezing is an involuntary action..
..expect your next sneeze in a bit @folly-pandy

Quite explanatory article @gidionline.
Are you in the medical field?

Thank you @gamsam

Are you in the medical field?

No, @gamsam, I am not in the medical field, but I happen to be a enthusiastic about health.
So I read, read and share my knowledge.

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