Did you think you know so well the secrets of your body? Read here Curiosities

in #life6 years ago

Did you think you know so well the secrets of your body? Well, you will be surprised to learn how few things you actually know about your own person. Read few information below and check your own general knowledge. You will surely find that your body is a universe that you do not even imagine it can exist.


  • People who smoke a pack of cigarettes a day drink virtually a cup of tar per year.

  • People are the only animals capable of tracing a straight line.

  • A man's DNA contains 80,000 genes.

  • As fingerprints are unique, the fingerprint of each person's language is different from the others.

  • An adult has fewer bones in the body than a child. We start life with 350 bones, but because some bones join together during growth, we have only 206 at maturity.

  • Even though it is not as sensitive as a dog, the human nose can perceive up to 50,000 different odors.

    • Digestive acids present in the human stomach are so powerful that they can dissolve zinc and corrode steel. Fortunately for us, cells in the gastric acid of the stomach are renewed for a maximum of 3-4 days, not allowing the acids to dissolve them.
    • A human lung has over 300,000 million capillary vessels. If it were put together, it would stretch over a distance of 2400 kilometers.
    • A man's testicle produces 10 million sperm every day - enough to be able to replant the planet in just six months.
    • Human bones are as resistant as granite. A bone of the size of a matchbox can withstand the pressure of a 9-ton block - four times as much as it can withstand the concrete.
  • The largest organ of the human body is the skin. It can cover, for an adult, an area of ​​1.9 square meters. Also, during a man's life, he loses up to 18 pounds of dead skin.

    • When he sleeps, a man grows on average by 8 millimeters, so that the morning will return to the original height. The reason is simple ... gravitational force acting on cartilage.
    • A man consumes an average of 50 tons of food and drinks about 50,000 liters of liquids over the course of his life.
    • The muscles of an eye move about 100,000 times a day. To imagine what this means, think that the equivalent of such an effort for your leg muscles is a 80-kilometer route every day.
    • In 30 minutes, the human body elicited enough heat to boil 3.5 liters of water.
  • A drop of blood takes only 30 seconds to make a complete circuit of the human body.

    • The human eye perceives only 90% of the information it receives.
    • The ovaries contain about half a million eggs. However, only 400 of them will have the opportunity to give birth to a new life.
    • Each square inch of skin contains at least 32 million bacteria. Fortunately, most of them are harmless.
    • Only the legs contain over 500,000 sweat glands, glands that can remove up to half a liter of sweat per day.

This post has received a 3.46 % upvote from @boomerang.


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