Being a negative person gets you nowhere fast.

in #life6 years ago

Being negative really never helped anybody.

Don't think being negative can't take you places though.

It can definitely take you to a very particular place.

This is a place that you really should avoid.


It is a place where people do not have jobs. Where people do not have friends. People are not capable of associating with anyone here in this empty place.

They simply sit in a room with a bottle of whiskey and look out the window thinking about what a terrible world it is.

Well guess what? The world is cruel, but we work together to make it better.

I'm going to tell you a small story about a man that I know.

This is man that I work with almost every day.

I'm not sure that I'll be working with him for much longer though. You see, today he is having a conversation with some of the district managers regarding his behavior as of late.


His negative behavior.

The interesting thing is that this man was not an always a negative person.

Sometimes negative behavior comes out of left field. When it shows it's face people decide to play ball with it.

Just because somebody shows up on the field doesn't necessarily mean that you have to decide to get into a game with that person or with that feeling.

So further ado, let's get into the story of a man I will call Philip.

Phillip started working at my restaurant about a year ago.

My first I thought was that he looked very much like a character from a vampire movie that I had seen.

I don't mean that in a bad way at all.

In fact, I was really impressed that he was so similar to this character.

He was funny, hard working, and overall a super nice guy.


He was simply great to be around.

Phillip was always willing to give you an extra hand. Sometimes he even brought in various treats like cupcakes that he would just give out to everyone.

What a generous guy! I thought.

In fact, I used to look forward to him coming to work. We would have oftentimes have great conversations. We would stand around and discuss various topics.

We would laugh. We would smile. We really enjoyed talking about everything.

Then one day he got into a bad mood.

Sometimes in the restaurant industry that happens.

People that have been nice for a really long time suddenly change and simply become mean.

It seems like it comes out of nowhere.


You might think that there's some kind of emotional issue that is the catalyst.

I thought that might be true too, but as far as I can tell nothing like that happened with Philip..

For the past few months he's just been kind of a jerk.

He seems to say awful things at almost any opportunity, and he is never helpful with any tables anymore.

I've heard him say negative things to just about everyone.

There's been a lot of name calling. There's been lots of jabbing and poking, and an awful lot of simply unacceptable behavior.

It's been rough.

It's really weird to see my super nice friend, who has in the past been incredibly generous, acting in this really childish and mean way.

It doesn't make any sense.


I mean think about it.

We work in a restaurant. Our money is made by being nice to people that come to eat with us.

We need these people to tip us. If we act mean then how could we possibly make any money?

Last night Philip was standing on the line and working on a salad for one of his tables.

One of the managers walked by, and Phillip told him something really nasty.

Something about how everyone really hates that manager, and how he was going to have a horrible life all alone without anybody to like him.

Why would Philip say something like that? I just didn't get it.

He then called another manager over and said a bunch of nasty things to that him as well.


It's one thing to be nasty to other servers, but to be nasty to a manager is just ridiculous.

That manager could literally fire you.

Today the managers are actually calling Philip in so that they can sit down and have a talk with him.

If he can't get his act together, then he is really going to be fired.

It's honestly kind of amazing that they're giving him this chance fix his bad behavior, because he's already really crossed the line.

He went from being a nice guy to being a mean guy almost overnight.

Being a negative person really will get you nowhere.

Trust me when I say you will get there really, really fast..... so you better be careful.

Nowhere is a bad place to be.


I've worked with people like that, but not in a long time, thankfully. The last time it happened I recall someone suggesting that it was a play to provoke a firing.

Most employers prefer to fire people by calling it a layoff, so that they have a reduced liability in court. If they fire someone "with cause" they might be required to explain the cause in court and defend their actions. If they do a layoff, then they are just saying that there is not enough work to justify the number of workers, so they are reducing staff.

Workers who know the game can provoke their managers into firing them, but the HR department will file it as a layoff to reduce the paperwork. Workers who get laid off are eligible for unemployment benefits. Some people look at that as a few weeks of paid vacation and they take it whenever they get tired of their current job.

It seems like a really unpleasant way to live, but I can imagine that there are people out there who do it. Every system that can be gamed is gamed.

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Restaurants are a lot more relaxed when it comes to how they treat their employees.

We often times give people chance after chance after chance. Even when they're fired they're still eligible for rehire at one of our other stores.

We don't have an HR department though, and there aren't a lot of hoops to jump through. On that same note though..... there is no such thing as a paid vacation or even lunch or dinner breaks. We get no time off and we work everyday.

Before I read Professor's comment, I had wondered the same thing, was he trying to be fired?

Maybe he ran out of his meds or thought he didn't need them anymore.

I suppose there could be many reason's we would never think of, but it's true that being negative will make you very unpopular.

Restaurant workers are sort of like independent contractors since they don't really get paid anything by the company, but instead make all their money from tips. Sometimes they think that they can get away with anything because of that..... however that is simply not the case because we all have to work together.

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