in #life6 years ago

If only i had known before making a decision.

Around 4 years ago i took in my daughter's best friend as she was having trouble at home. She made out she was having a really bad time with her parents. She phoned me one night to say she had walked out. I couldn't let a 15yr old wander the streets as she refused to go home. Luckily we had a spare room.

She stayed with us for 3 years, we all treat her like family. Then her Uncle stepped up at last saying she could move in with him. We helped her move, we still let her come and go as she pleased, still treating her like family.

She found a new full time job then received a flat from the council. The flat is a few doors away from her parents.

Its now been a year since she left our home, she stopped getting in touch. She treat my daughter like Shite, they had been best friends for years.

I fell used and let down, after everything we did for her she walked away without saying thank you. She bought my hubby a father's day present 4 cans of cider but forgot my birthday.

We have moved on, we did what we thought was best for her, we can hold our heads up. We have her somewhere safe to live when she needed it now she will have to fend for herself as we have learnt our lesson.

Thank you son-of-satire


I'm sorry to hear that @karenb54 especially after all you have done for her. There are many people like that, that we really get disappointed by, but what I have learned is that people will always disappoint us but God knows what is in your heart and what kind heart you have and He promises us that He will repay us for all.

I understand how betrayed you feel, but you shouldn't feel like that since you guys have done the right thing and the good thing and that is all that matters. The real person who is missing out is the girl.
I just experience a familiar situation with a young girl too, but I don't waste my time or energy thinking how she treated us, because in reality she is the one who is missing out and we did our job trying to help her out and that is all we can do and feel good about it.

Thank you @joalvarez. Some people can't be helped. Like you said we did what we thought was right at the time. Her loss.
I'm glad you are moving on to. We can both hold our heads up :)

It is unfortunate but true, very often when you help somebody out, as soon as they think that they don't need you any more, you are off like a dirty shirt and thrown away.
However, how could you like with yourself if you had left her on the street?
You would have been kicking yourself for the rest of your lives.
You dun good, shite happens, and you would do it again in the same circumstances

Some people are selfish, hard to understand anyone being that way. But your right i probably would do it again. :)

At least you can sleep at night knowing you have done the right thing. There are people like that in the world. My husband and I have helped people over the years and have been used and abused for the fact that we helped them. My son says that what goes around comes around and someday she will be in a position where someone does the same to her. You have done it well and you should not change the way you live your life because someone is ungrateful.

I do believe in karma, so many people think there better than others and have no respect. She will learn as she gets older you can't treat people like that.

I'm so sorry that things turned out the way they did. Just remember...the actions of others do not define you, but your own actions do. Karma comes for us all, the good and the bad. You performed those actions out of the goodness of your heart and that good will come back to you 10x <3

Thank you. I would do it again, can't see a child on the street. She has to live with it :)

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