Take The Damn Risk Already!

in #life6 years ago


Oh boy, Next year is scaring me! I'm actually more scared of next year than I am this year.
I keep seeing a recurring problem with so many people around me.
They are dissatisfied with where they are at in life, Yet they still don't take the necessary risks to move up.

Risk Is Scary

Of course, it is, But the thing is. Often you are taking a risk without realizing it. Sometimes staying put in your current situation is the riskiest thing you can do. Sometimes being brainwashed and keeping that same job you've held for 10 years because you believe it's giving you "security" is what ends up destroying your life in the end.

Just Do It

The more you overthink something the more your brain will gain enough power to talk you out of it.
Sometimes the decision seems terrible, ridiculous. But ultimately it's the right one for your life right now.
I got a lot of criticism for going back to my part-time job...

  • Why are you going back if you don't need the money?
  • Why not buy a gym membership if you want to lose weight?
  • Maybe you just need to see a therapist.
  • Why would you willingly work a job when you don't have to?
  • Why would you work graveyards when there are other shifts available.
  • You Love working here? That's pathetically sad.

These are just some of the things people said to me.
Of course, it won't even just be your brain trying to talk you out of it, But other people.

People love to give their opinions on how you should live YOUR life

and most people let these opinions affect them.
We have this false perception of how everyone is living their lives. And social media has a lot to blame. We tend to follow all this ridiculous advice, Even when it's not right for us.
So start...

Questioning Everything

Growing up I was taught that one day, I'd be a stay at home mom with kids.
That I would need to be a supportive wife. And buy a house, And go on yearly vacations with my new family.
The whole "Amercian Dream".

That made me sick to my stomach

First of all, As a kid, I wanted a career. I didn't even know if I wanted kids, let alone a husband.
Maybe a wife?
Maybe a husband and no kids?
Maybe A wife and 10 kids?
What will make ME happy?

Growing up I quickly realized that no one's going to force me to buy some house. Then be stuck there, In that location, at mercy with whatever happens to that city, The job market, And the economy.

Growing up I kept questioning over and over.
That's when I came to some conclusions.
I never want to be a stay at home mom.
And if you do, That's fine. It's up to YOU.
But that's not the route for me.
Still on the fence about whether I'd want to spend my life, With a man or a woman. I don't have a strong preference honestly.

But at the end of the day, It's my choice. And no one else will make it for me.
So I have to be willing to take the risks associated with those things, So I can get closer to my end goal.
The problem is, too many people are afraid to go against the grain.
They are afraid to be different.
Whenever I say " A House is not an investment."
People get mad and argue with me.
People are often shocked I would say such a thing Because it goes against what many people believe in.
This is why it's important to question everything.
You may realize that things aren't what they appear to be.

Fall And Get Back Up

Often we overestimate the consequences of our actions.
I thought after I quit my job, I'd be broke within a month and looking for work at a fast food place.

I was wrong
I am able to be fully self-employed. Doing what I love every day. And I love the freedom.

Stop being scared, Sometimes when you take a risk, you'll fall and get broken. Just get back up again. Just work at it, And you'll make it.
We will rarely do anything 100% correctly the first time.
And That's perfectly okay.



I’m naturally quite impulsive and you’ve convinced me there might be some advantage to it. I’ll make changes before I even realise I did it and ought to have got nervous about it. I might do my fear after for sure, but my attention won’t be able to stay on it for long. Pros and cons to this of course. I’m very poor at sticking to anything I planned unless it speaks to me enthusiastically daily.
& Happy New Year!
@upvoted and @resteemed

If you don‘t risk, don‘t expect to get rewarded.
We should trust more in ourselves and work harder on our dreams again.
There is so much potential, why don‘T we use the potential?
Dare more because you can do it!

You are right. One problem people have today is they are too scared to fail.

I believe people should be a little more brave and “jump in the pool” more often.

Perhaps it’s the educational system that doesn’t promote Entrepreneurship.

In my opinion, I believe in the combination of both ideas as people must have plans and dreams in their life and the way to achieve that dream is through making action plans and take the risk.

I'm in a job I don't love right now, but I put myself in a situation where I need the money to support myself and my family. I'm trying to work in my spare time to create a way where I can one day quit my job and pursue my passions. Not overly concerned because I'm happy in my life even at my current job. Nice article, it's very motivating :)

@kaylinart - You are exactly right in pointing out that people always have opinions about how we should live our lives. Any way we turn, there is no pleasing everyone. They scare us about everything. The best thing, therefore, as you have pointed out, is to stop being scared and go do your own thing. Well said my friend. Kudos. Upvoted.



Stop being scared, Sometimes when you take a risk, you'll fall and get broken. Thats important for you ! @kaylinart

Yes :) you have to fall down at times.

But you will know that you will always wake up.. Don't forget it ! @kaylinart

If one task no chance they do not really live

I Love this Posting and you just happened to create it on Christmas Evening when I NEEDED to SEE It !! Thank you @kaylinart now I know why I just mentioned you as an influence on me here at STEEMIT. If you have a moment then take a look @stokjockey 1200 Followers tonight.

Once again love this positive uplifting post. I love using visualization when I do energy healing so one visual I always use when the person is fearful or stuck in a thought or place is to explain the opposite of fear is faith (faith in ones self). The actual visual is to picture themself as a hampster in their cage going never ending round and round in their ball. You have to overcome the fear and take the risk and jump off and that will give you sound ground instead of just going around in circles....only then is anything possible you can focus and move forward. Sorry a little long winded. But a topic near and dear to me. Thanks for sharing and stimulating my thoughts. Hope you had a great Christmas.

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