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RE: Advice From an Addict

in #life6 years ago

You are not alone man... I know that feeling when you feel like you've been numbing yourself for so long, only to have it all catch up with you at once. You feel a bit crazy because it feels like your cycling through amplified emotions. I remember when I stopped smoking weed and messing with pills, I didn't feel right for like three months. Honestly, for me, the best thing to do was to look to the future and occupy myself "with positive" activities like exercise, reading, online courses whatever I could do to keep my mind occupied, and over time I gradually began feeling somewhat normal again.
I'd stay motivated by telling myself that what I do today is what tomorrow is going to based on, not necessarily what happened yesterday or before that. Oh yeah and that book "the power of habit", really changed my whole perspective on everything, it made me understand that people are resilient and they really can change things for themselves. Whatever you do, don't give up on yourself.


It's been a struggle finding what is me. And what I like. Who I am. Those are foreign. Pills were my downfall. For 10 years they were world. I'm lucky to have finally have best it but still a daily struggle. Thank you brother. I knew you gave off a good vibe from the first day and we spoke. I stand by that.

You will find out who you are. Struggles are what make us who we are, they teach us and make us humble, patient, and compassionate for others. Without struggle, we take so much for granted. It may not seem that way now, but I really do believe that life's difficult moments can also be its defining moments.

Oh definitely. We are all defined by our experiences. Hop in discord when you get a chance. I been playing around with some fun stuff

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