
Hi Marion! I am a reiki master and teacher. I have trained with two different teachers. One of which has trained with William Rand directly! I also work with my teacher who is also an Elder. Practicing traditional Cree teachings. As well i practice Shamanic healing methods for personal healing as well as space clearing. Along with teaching yoga, it's been the majority of my work for the past 5 years. Other than lately, i am currently working part-time. Recovering is my main focus. Do you practice reiki?

I am a Registered Holistic Nutritionist. When I lived in Ontario I had my own practice. As well I managed a wonderful Health Food Store with a staff of 12. We then decided to pack it in and move to the coast. We have been there four years and have spent a wonderful time running, hiking and biking and exploring our new world. In the meantime life gets in the way as it often does. My father passed and my husband was quite ill. (he is fine now). Then I had to move my mother into assisted living. The huge task of disposing of all their items and fixing up their house has been a huge toil. We have been here since Oct 3 and are getting to the end. The home has been sold. This task has taken us months and months. We have been here so many times. We are completely out of energy. However, when I get back to my beloved coast and all the dust settles I would love to explore Reiki. Several of the ladies I worked with were Reiki Masters. It is on my bucket list. I just have to navigate myself around the East Coast tribe and find the right teacher(s). I visit a lovely clinic and see an RMT. She has given me some recommendations. OH my I am rambling. xx I have a lot of space that needs clearing.

Funny you mention that you might be in need of a few good reiki sessions considering all you've been through and are going through & processing itcwouldn't hurt to have the extra support. You'll find the greatest teachers in just the right time. You have a great foundation to work from. I bet the ppl of the coast would appreciate your services if you choose to offer them. Many blessings beautiful running Steemit Friend! So nice to enjoy your 'ramblings'. I love chatting on these subjects! It's easy to share when you're passionate about the topic so I'd really encourage you to follow that desire! ❤🙏❤

Why thank you kind Master. I am not sure I want to start another practice again. I do however look after me, hubby and @lyndsaybowes and family. They keep me busy. We are planning to start traveling and working on that bucket list we have. One being some Reiki classes. I am sure I will find exactly what I am looking for exactly when needed. The East Coast is quickly becoming the next West Coast, ie. all the alternative options, health food, organic, yoga, reiki etc. Not to mention a very large running community which I am part of. So glad you love my ramblings. I enjoy chatting with you as well. So glad I found you fellow Steemian. xx

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