The Ducklings Second Day Home

in #life6 years ago

Our new little ducklings are enjoying their new home and have settled in nicely. Today they were much more calm and playful. They didn't run away from me as much as yesterday and seem to be getting use to my presence. They've been under the heat lamp and are all cozy and warm. All my pictures below have a red color to them because the heat lamp bulb is red.

Introducing Smokey...


Smokey is the first of our ducklings to get a name. Smokey is the tallest black and yellow duckling. She's one of the more skittish ducks and won't let me pick her up as easy. I can tell her from out other Black Swedish duckling because she is taller.

And the Bandit


Bandit has an adorable little heart shaped spot on her chest. Smokey and Bandit seem to be very mischievous ducks. They appear to be bonded to one another and are always together. The both like to peck or bite other ducks when they are sleeping. Bandit is the one who has let me hold her the most. She's pretty brave and will come to the water bowl when my hands are nearby while the other ducklings run away.

Yellow duckling yet to be named


Brown duckling yet to be named


I'm still working on names for the other two ducklings. The yellow one is very chill. She's not bothered by anything and has let me hold her a lot. She likes to sprawl her long legs out when she lays down to sleep. Little brown duckling is super skittish. She's very timid and I know I'm going to have to work hard to earn her trust. She's a beautiful thing though. I need to get some pictures away from the heat lamp to show off how pretty they all are. Since they are around four days old I'm just letting them settle and have stability before I let them out of their box.


Nap time!




So far I'm really enjoying the ducks. We're still trying to find a good spot for them in the house where they are safe and out of the way. We had them in the bathroom yesterday but it got too hot in there for them with no windows and the heat lamp going. Now, they are in the kitchen but we're going to have to move them again. My one year old is crazy about them and we have the fight to keep her away. Keeping her out of the kitchen is impossible so we'll have to move them again....maybe the laundry room. At least our cats seem completely uninterested. I was worried about the cats wanting to eat them but so far they aren't paying any attention to them.

Overall, duckling ownership is fun and cute. I'm still working on names for the last two ducks. I thought other Smokey and the Bandit names (Frog for the Brown and Sheriff for the yellow) since we have a cat named Snowman from the movie but I don't know. I might pick other non-themed names. If anyone has an ideas feel free to share!


Cute little ducklings! I think I like Bandit the best! She has spunk. Our cats don't care about birds in general. They prefer frogs! LOL But one of our dogs, Lady is definitely a bird dog. We have a hard time keeping her away from birds.

oh my gosh they are cute! I love the Smoky and the Bandit themed names :) I missed it, but how did you come to own some ducklings ? :)

Awww cute! The brown one looks like she has a red tip on her bill. She might be the troublemaker!

First of all, they have to make safe accommodation. And they float in the water, so the water system is better, I am really impressed with your unlimited love for them.

The baby duck has started to adapt to their new and will regard you as its new owner.
Two cool names. Bandit and smokey.
I have a name suggestion for yellow ie phoenix. And that name has a history of a living being as well.

Hahaha, they are too tender they are beautiful I love that little spot that has bandit .. And what a comfortable way to sleep .. Greetings thank you for sharing these beautiful images.

What's a wonderful time ;)

There is always Burt and Sally!

Wow how the brooding work is going on.

The first step you must prepare to make the cage, when the night ducks were inserted into the sack for a rapid growth process

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