Government has no rights that you do not already possess

in #life5 years ago (edited)


If all men are equal in natural rights, as Thomas Jefferson acknowledged in the Declaration of Independence, then government, by default, shouldn’t exist. While the general public are of the consensus that it would be absurd for an individual to declare his own laws and enforce them upon society, it is almost universally accepted that the government, which consists no more of individual men and women, has the right to enforce its own laws upon the people. Not only is this universally accepted, but it is deemed criminal to disobey said laws, which, in actual reality, are no more than threats of violence enforced by control freaks masquerading as public servants.

If it is wrong for an individual to outlaw the consumption and trade of alcohol (or any other consciousness-altering substance), then it must also be wrong for the government to outlaw the substance, given that those in government -- who claim to be our public servants -- are no more superior in natural rights than the common man. If no one possesses the right to initiate violence against another person or his property, then such a right can not be delegated to anyone else or any other group of people - even those calling themselves ‘government.’

If it is wrong for one to aggress upon his fellow men, then it is wrong for all. Adding the title president, prime minister, or law enforcer does not alter this eternal, objective truth.


No amount of political euphemisms or semantic jiujitsu can ever turn wrong actions into right actions or right actions into wrong actions. War, in actual reality, is legalized mass murder. Taxation is theft. And drug prohibition is slavery over one’s mind and body.


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