New Ways To Manage Stress, Noise And Office Anxiety

in #life6 years ago

Anxious workers make for anxiety-ridden offices. In fact, anxiety can be highly contagious, especially in an open office plan. Then there's the pressure to tamp down that anxiety and look upbeat, which, not surprisingly is really bad for your psyche.
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What New Research Suggests

Accepting and acknowledging that you are experiencing negative emotions will help you feel better, research shows. Scientists found that people who did not bury their bad feelings started to experience fewer of them, according to recent UC Berkeley research. Getting support from your co-workers and talking to your supervisor openly about your feelings, even about depression, can help a lot, according to a London School of Economics report. Studies also show that it is key is to find just one person—anyone—who can mentor you into a better headspace and make you feel heard, if not understood. A University of Kansas study of teens sums it up nicely: people want to feel that they matter. When they do, they tend to mess up less and show up more.

How New Empowerment Programs Can Help

Research is helpful, but when you feel like your head is about to explode now and you've got nowhere internally to turn, what are your options? I put the question to Jaime-Alexis Fowler, executive director of Empower Work, a San Francisco nonprofit that is on a mission to create healthy workplaces. She agreed with researchers: "If you don't have the tools to manage the little issues, big office challenges start to look really insurmountable." That's why Empower Work provides confidential support for people facing tough, non-legal work situations. According to Fowler, anyone in the U.S. can immediately connect with a vetted and trained peer counselor via text or web chat to feel heard, supported and if needed, connected to resources. A healthy workplace is one where employees have the tools and resources they need to navigate tough work situations and feel empowered to make a plan that works for them when they feel frustrated.

What People Who Deal With Constant Anxiety Suggest

People with learning and other disabilities tend to be incredibly able when it comes to finding nontraditional methods to survive—and thrive—in an office culture not made for them. They have often had years of practice (much of it at school) staying focused, organized and not getting bogged down by busy work that keeps them from doing deeper thinking. Many people with ADHD, dyslexia, dyscalculia, sensory dysfunction and other neurological disorders welcomed the chance to tell me about their strengths. Here are common office problems solved by people who think, learn and work differently, in a good way:
-Problem: You Hate Being Distracted By Questions, But Don't Want To Look Like The Jerk Who Always Closes Her Office Door. Work somewhere else—conference room X, the one nobody uses; hide out in the cafeteria after lunch hours are over; spend an hour in a coffee shop. No one will miss you. Mark your calendar as busy and go.

-Problem: Nervousness About A Deadline Starts To Take Over The Day. You must sit at your desk and finish—no deadline extensions possible. Take your office sweater and wrap it tightly (not too tight) around your legs. Or, after sitting down, put something very heavy like a coffee table book from the waiting area or a package of printer paper on top of your thighs. (Pull in your chair, right up that desk, and no one can see.) The weight gives you the feeling of being grounded and the anxiety usually washes away. Just don’t forget it’s there when you stand up to greet someone for your next meeting.

-Problem: Concentrating During Monday Morning All-Staff Catch-Up Meetings Is Taxing Your Ability To Sit Still. Maybe you twist your hair or tap your toe? Keep a rubber band or six on your wrist. Put your hands under the table. Fidget away. If someone calls you out on it say, Oh, sorry, when I twirl my hair or tap my toe it actually helps me to focus. I didn’t realize it bothered you. If you want to be really snarky mention that their pen-clicking is a total distraction and you’re wondering why they do it. Oh, and what’s with the whistling? Totally annoying. You’re not mowing the lawn you’re in an office.

-Problem: You Hear Your Childhood Voice In Your Head Saying, “Can I Be Excused Now?" During Working Lunches. Expedite things by helping to pass out agendas, clear away the plates, remind people of an upcoming meeting or worst-case scenario…go to the bathroom and do 20 jumping jacks. No, I am not kidding. It’s very calming.

-Problem: You Label Stuff And Yet You Still Misplace Anything Not Pegged To Your Bulletin Board. Truth is, plain markers and manila folders are not your friends. Sharpies? They make messages big and bold. Colored folders? Another big win.

-Problem: You Feel Like Everyone Is Listening To You Talk On The Phone, And Who Talks On The Phone Anymore Anyway? Can't You Text People? Don’t. Pick up the phone and call and while you're at it, put your personal smartphone in your bag. You’re at work. Level up. You can ask your mom to get you the black sweater from J. Crew for your birthday later.

-Problem: Your Phone Is Now Stowed Away, So You Constantly Lose Track Of Time. Keep your smartphone within hearing distance and set a few alarms to remind you of your most important meetings of the day. Then consider getting a watch. When anyone asks you what it is, say it's vintage, isn’t it cool? Many people used to wear one back in the day.



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