In Abdya, Dozens of Cows Wander the Middle of the Highway

in #life6 years ago


Dozens of cows roam the National Road Banda - Medan, precisely in Gampong Ujung Padang, District Susoh, District Abdya. The cows can endanger road users.

Nur Fauzi, one of the road users to aceHTrend said that the presence of tens of cows on the national road is often disturbing him, because the cows almost every day control the road body.

Of course very annoying, especially since we as a student who every day past the region, said Fauzi, Saturday, (23/12/2017).

Fauzi added, before the occurrence of things that are not desirable, should the relevant agencies must curb the livestock that is in Abdya by listing the livestock owners and made the rules.

What we fear with the wandering of livestock on the streets, there can be accidents. So for that we hope related institutions should make regulations related to animal husbandry, he pleaded.

Head of Pramong Praja Police Unit (Satpol PP) and Wilayatul Hisbah (WH) Abdya Riad, SE explained that the livestock in the district is no longer taboo, directly.

We have appealed by writing to the sub-district heads in each sub-district, even we have done direct arrests of livestock residents roaming the streets, but we are very sorry not to give deterrent effect to the farmers, said Riad, to acHTrend.

Riad added that so far his side has repeatedly made arrests, even has provided guidance to the farmers in order not to release their livestock if without escort.

It makes us go awry, when we catch a lot of farmers who complain and if we let it could result in things we do not want to rider, he said.

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