When The Counter Terrorism Police Come Knocking

in #life5 years ago


I am an author ( A Dangerous Ideology ), a blogger and short film maker who creates content mainly about geopolitics, geo-economics, history, environmentalism etc. I am lucky to have a wonderful family and have much to live for.

I am never the story, and am not trying to make myself the story, but feel the need to get this on record.

I have recently posted a couple of things in Twitter which appear to have drawn the attention of the police. Not just local 'bobbies' either. I had a visit from Serious & Organised Crime Unit from Southampton in the UK (not far from where I live.) They said they had been informed that 'terrorist related material' had either been viewed or downloaded from my address. They mentioned how 'serious' the allegation was and left me in no doubt about the potential rammifications if I was 'guilty in the current climate.'

They would not tell me who made the allegation. They stated that they have a duty to investigate all 'concerns' but that their remit was both to 'assess the level of risk' and evaluate the reliability of the source. I accepted this, was open and honest, answered all their questions and even gave them copies of my work.

Frankly it freaked me out. So, even though I may be paranoid, I feel the need to make some things clear.

Firstly I am what many would call a 'conspiracy theorist.' I don't accept this label but it seems, if you question the establishment, being stuck with it is unavoidable. Broadly, I believe that an international banking cartel rule the planet and that all political decisions are taken in their best interests. It's far more nuanced than that, but that'll do.

I believe the vast majority of politicians are corrupt and the mainstream media is nothing more than the globalist's propaganda machine.

I don't believe in party politics and am politically an agorist. I would like to see society change, and equality of opportunity for all. I create content on contentious topics and people may even be offended by some of it. However I always try to evidence my work. I'm a former union steward, have been politically 'on the left' for most of my life, have worked in health and social care for more than 25 years and currently work for a homeless charity.

I'm an average bloke I think. So let me spell out what I don't believe.

I do not believe that any good can ever come from violence and I reject it absolutely. I think terrorism in all its forms is despicable and, no matter what the circumstances, the taking of human life is wrong. I do not believe there is a Jewish plot to take over the world. I frequently criticise the political actions of the Israeli government but I do not think this is 'the fault' of the Jewish people any more than the acts of the UK government are mine (I'm British.)

I have actively opposed racism all my life. I consider the notion that one person is better than another, by virtue of their ethnicity, to be a moronic concept. I oppose all bigotry no matter what the claimed basis. I am critical of hate speech legislation because it stifles free speech. I firmly believe all bigotry should be brought out into the open and discussed. I believe in open, honest, evidence based debate. I will never incite violence or hatred and I never have.

I am not a member of any 'far right' or 'far left' groups. In fact, I'm not a member of any political groups (other than my union.)

My research often leads me to view contentious videos or read contentious articles online. But everything I have ever accessed is in the public domain and anyone can view it. To my knowledge, I have never downloaded or viewed any banned material. If it is banned now (and I don't know because I have no idea what the police were referring to) It wasn't when I viewed it, because I only have access to public domain material.

I largely do not believe government narratives. I don't reject them casually, and am always willing to look at the supporting evidence for any point of view. However, in my experience, government narratives often lack supporting evidence.

For example I believe there is evidence that the conviction of Thomas Mair (who supposedly murdered Labour MP Jo Cox) was not safe. I don't think it was unsafe because I support any 'far right' ideology. I think it was unsafe because the evidence doesn't appear to stack up. Anyone interested should watch this.

On the evening of March 3rd (GMT) I tweeted this out in support of the excellent investigation of Richard D Hall.


I have recently written an article on the OPCW Douma report. I published this on my blog and then tweeted out the link at 01:00 approx on the morning of 5th March as below.


The Police visited me at 15:00 the same day (March 5th 2019). They were perfectly affable, didn't arrest or charge me, didn't seize any computers or take any material other than that which I voluntarily gave to them. I am certain I haven't broken the law and am not overly concerned. I don't know if their visit was related to my posts but, on balance, the coincidence is notable and I suspect it was.

These are my opinions and, as far as I know, opinions aren't yet illegal. I am almost certainly overreacting but hope you can appreciate why I have written this and put it on the blockchain.

Take it easy you hoopy froods.

follow oyddodat

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~~~~~~~~ Recommended Websites ~~~~~~~~

In This Together

21st Century Wire

The Corbett Report

the UK Column


Global Research


Henderson Left Hook

The UK & Ireland Database


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