Life Throws a Curve Ball

in #life7 years ago

It never seems to fail when things seem to easy! A few months ago life was great, family doing well, decent job at least enough to cover the bills and feed the family and do a few things to enjoy life. Then it all seem to hit, my brother calls me to let me know they found cancer in his colon, I was shocked but we talked about it and he is doing his treatments and trying to do the right things. My 80 year old mother gets pneumonia, she is down and out for a while, but soon she recovers. Now the holidays pass and things are normal, so I think, I lose my job. I really dont know anyone here or anything I am along ways away from my family and I feel stuck. It is really hard sometimes to figure out what the right move should be. Working in the corporate world is very not very rewarding in the first place, and it is never a safe place. I have been looking some kind of online business to do, but that is a very trying proposition. Please comment if you have any ideas to make a decent living in the US, with an online business. I appreciate the information. Sometimes it is good to get something off your mind.


Thank you for posting @refsland. Life on earth is full of trouble...however if it were perfect, man would not see his need of God.

The human solution is no solution...the divine solution is the only solution.

We begin with what is God's solution? God is not willing that anyone should perish. His plan...For God loved the world (mankind) so much that He gave His uniquely born Son so that anyone who believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. Faith alone in Christ alone for salvation.

That is where we begin with our Creators plan for us and then depend on Him to show us His plan for us individually.

@nextgen622 had a great interview yesterday with @papa-pepper which could give you some insight of how to proceed online.

@county-inspired has a great story of his experience of being in your same position and his experience.

Wishing you all the best.

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